Reviews for Chikaru's Discovery
Loveth Chineke chapter 1 . 10/21/2018
chapter 2
Major Mike Powell III chapter 1 . 10/8/2018
Well, well, Li'l Lily~

HOO-RRAH! 1st Review EVAR, Btches~!

Ok, first off: I'm su~per flattered, Yuri-chan, that my humble, old little piece inspired you to write thishere little story of revelations, confessions, love and open minds and open hearts~

This was wonderful from start to finish and everything in-between~ *O*

Kagome's such a sweetie patootie and Oshibaru is awesome and badass, and Chikaru going right for it, goin' and gunnin' it for the love of the two young women she has always supported and been there for before they even hooked up...haaaah~

The confession and acceptance at the chapel, Oh my goodness, that was ridiculously, gloriously romantic like you wouldn't believe~ *O* Such a romantic treat. (Heart)

Great work, Yuri-chan~!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!