Reviews for Into the Unknown
davycrockett100 chapter 7 . 7/4
awesome job keep up the great work, as a thought they should do there best to get the bots fixed and make it so they can stay near the sun as long as possible for lots of energy and get the ship to the point were it can enter atmosphere to ether land or open all sections to the air so the scrubbers don't have to replace a full vacuum.
DesertSandBox chapter 7 . 6/9
I really glad i found this cause it is a good story i think first thing to get fixed should be repair bots that way if they have more then the 2 they have now they can do major fixes to the hull quicker which means less power needed for shielding so meaning more power used for speed and other things.
orionastro chapter 7 . 5/26
amazing story so far , it would be so good that the Ancients , should start to reaper , and help greatly earth and build repair robots to better repair Destiny to full Strength ,and lets see if the Furling to also appear to reestablish the Alliance of the 5 races .And also zpm factory , to build ZPM , that way they can dial Destiny ,without danger , can hardly wait for the next chapters
Chronus1326 chapter 6 . 10/21/2019
thanks for writing this story and sharing it with all of us, it sounds like it's coming along quite well and I can't wait for more.
Chronus1326 chapter 5 . 10/21/2019
The big meeting between all the important characters being held through the stones was very interesting. Although I think the addition of the Asgard core as well as the two beam weapons is a bit of a cop out, I would have concentrated on repairing those giant cannons that Destiny has instead. My imagination shows me the gate connecting and just streams of boxes being shoved through it and as many as they can get in 5 minutes.
Chronus1326 chapter 4 . 10/21/2019
Hey chapter 4 was good again short but there was some good plot development happening there thank you. I think you missed a few opportunities for some additional paragraphs, I might have done one regarding the reason the Langarans were so happy to leave their planet, you know with the Ori bombarding it from orbit and all.
I've been waiting for a fanfiction writer to do Stargate universe right and I really happy to see that you're getting them resupplied from Earth. I'm sure in three years are some has made some advances hopefully with repair bots and can also send the much-needed men and materials.
Chronus1326 chapter 3 . 10/21/2019
Chapter 3 was good. A bit short but well written. Time to get some food from the nearby planet, I hope it goes smoothly.
Chronus1326 chapter 2 . 10/21/2019
Oh dear, an unexpected maintenance casualty! Do we have any repair bots around for Eli to repair?
Chronus1326 chapter 1 . 10/21/2019
Hey there! Great first chapter! I like how this is going so far! Let's get Destiny repaired and back on track!
orionastro chapter 6 . 10/2/2019
A very good new chapter, let us see the dialing successful, and Destiny receiving an Asgard core and a mater converter so that they can fully repair Destiny, to fulfill fully its Mission, can hardly wait for the next chapters.
Guest chapter 5 . 9/24/2019
Keep story goin
Guest chapter 5 . 9/13/2019
Keep story coming
orionastro chapter 5 . 8/28/2019
very good new chapter , i hope soon the Ascended Ancients and the Asgard , start helping earth , and reforging the Alliance of the Races , maybe discovering that Pluto is an Ancient shipyard , with several aurora class battleships , so that the fleet of earth can increases tenfold , can hardly wait for the next chapters .
orionastro chapter 4 . 8/26/2019
another great chapter , may i suggest that the Asgard are alive ,as long as the Furling ,and the Ascended Ancients return to this plane of existence ,and Help bring back Destiny and Fully repaired . can hardly wait for the next chapters .
orionastro chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
very good beginning for the story , can hardly wait for the next chapters .
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