Reviews for Baptism by Fire
Alana84 chapter 8 . 3/10/2019
No worries, better late than never, right, laughs! I’m just grateful that you’d written more on this amazing story, so thank you!

Awesome continuation btw, chapter four was especially brilliant I thought. I also really liked your chapter titles, they are really awesome, especially the one for chapter three; “the Original Marauder”, because that one was him in a nutshell (I think), because the more I thought about it, I realized that; “Hell, yeah, that’s so true. He really is the Original Marauder, laughs!”.

I really liked the fact that he was a Slytherin student as well, because that sounds like a perfect fit. And the idea about him being the vocalist in a punk band, because that sounded like it would have been something he’d have done in his youth.

Anyway, on with the actual review shall we: like I mentioned before chapter four was so awesome, most likely because we got to see John’s teaching methods, as well as him in action and the Marauders, including Severus Snape too, of course.

Especially the scene that takes place between James, Sirius and Snape on the same morning that John has his first and unfortunately only class. But also the one during class, in which he shows the students his specialty Occultism, because that was pretty damn awesome.

Loved the brief interaction between Lily and John, it was short, but interesting. More so, the duel scene between James and Sirius against Snape, because that was also very exciting, not to mention the scene when John summons that great white demon dog, because that sounded a bit dangerous, to be honest! But then again he always knew what he was doing, didn’t he?!

I also really liked the scene towards the end with John and Snape, because it was really exciting and quite funny as well.

I really liked chapter five as well, with John and Minerva at the pub. And I agree with Minerva that John and Severus sounds like they have a bunch of things in common, that's for sure, laughs. More so, I also really liked the conversation that followed about John's past, both the one from his childhood and the one with the girl and the dead club, even though it was pretty damn sad.

The three last chapters were also really good, so John did save Astra but he'd to sacrifice himself in order to do so, well, that make sense, even though it's sad as hell. Loved the letter he left for Minerva and the conversation between her and Dumbledore.

Thank you for sharing!
mojowitchcraft chapter 8 . 2/17/2019
Woah! What a great story! I’ve never Read hellblazer before but now I’m definitely intrigued!
Wienxia chapter 8 . 2/17/2019
This was really good! Thanks for your time and effort!
demon19027 chapter 8 . 2/16/2019
Loved it. Don't worry Minnie, I'm sure you'll see John again
Alana84 chapter 3 . 2/16/2019
I can’t believe that no one haven’t reviewed this before now and that’s kind of sad because it’s really good, so far that is. And it was also sad that it’s unfinished, despite the fact that you tagged it as a complete story, which it clearly wasn’t, right?! Because it felt unfinished to me and that was most likely because not a lot had happened in the three chapters you’d written.

Basically McGonagall and John meet again and she finds out that he’s the new DADA teacher, a job she thinks he’s rather unfit for. But soon reconsider after a talk with Dumbledore and agrees to observe John Constantine. With whom she also has a conversation with, we learn that he went to Hogwarts (which I think was rather brilliant, love the idea!), and that they have some kind of history together, or perhaps it was just a student/professor relationship, who knows?! Loved that he calls her “Minnie”, which I thought was really adorable, laughs.

And it kind of ends there, with just three chapters, which was super sad, because I would have wanted to find out what was going to happen with both John, his teaching and Minerva and how the tragedy angle was going to come about?! Despite the fact that tragedy stories are my least favorite genres in fanfiction and fiction in general, to be honest, oh well!

Anyway, the plot seems to be very interesting; John Constantine at Hogwarts and especially during the Marauders era, could it get any better, laughs! The character portrayal and interaction was spot on, in my opinion. The best part was without a doubt the banter between Minerva and John, so freaking hilarious and totally in characters, kudos! Which I thought was really uncanny in a way, because my only knowledge of John Constantine is the movie with Keanu Reeves (which I saw about a decade ago) and the tv-series with Matt Ryan (which I saw a couple of years ago and I only saw a few episodes, which was a bit odd, considering that I thought it was pretty good).

I’m more well-versed in the Harry Potter fandom, that’s for sure, because I’ve obviously read the books, (a few times), seen the movies several times and read HP fanfiction since early twenty-first century (on and off, because it’s not the only fandom I follow, of course). And the rest is history, laughs! But I’m not as well-versed in the Marauders era, as in the one with Harry, Ron and Hermione, obviously.

Anyway, I can only guess why you stopped writing this story, maybe because you didn't get any reviews on it, before now (that is), who knows?! I just wanted to say thank you for sharing it!