Reviews for By a Simple Twist of Fate
fanofNC chapter 82 . 13h
From the top now: I like how the first half showed Rilla finding herself and how she can contribute to the world, albeit unconsciously. Sam IS prying a bit much, but he raised really valid points that we all know Rilla needs to understand, yet didn't expect to reach her in such a direct way.
I commend Sam for saying "phones off and on the table".
I do, however, feel very conflicted about Rilla's decision to not answer her phone. In some ways, this is her trying to live her newly discovered non-royal life. On the other hand, it's probably not a good idea to leave poor Ken hanging. She herself said that this call was "tentatively scheduled", so I'd imagine Ken is somewhat emotionally fragile if a tentative call went unanswered. Twice.
But then, perhaps this is the chance for Ken to grow!
fanofNC chapter 81 . 13h
Hmm, interesting developments! So Rilla meets a guy who I'm guessing has a history himself with the youth center. He seems to be a nice guy, so we'll see where this goes, because I have a feeling helping out in a youth center will also help Rilla come to more realizations.
At the same time, while Rilla has been going to new places, physically, emotionally, and mentally, Ken is stuck in one place physically, and I'm a little afraid he'd be in the same place mentally. At this point, not knowing what he's going through, the most I could see him doing is feeling regret, not growing. But I'm hoping for something special to come up yet!
fanofNC chapter 80 . 13h
Oh, poor Rilla. First, she has to keep up appearances in front of her friends, with whom she should get to be her real self. And now, she learns that her family was threatened, just because of who she's dating! If it was anyone else, they'd call it quits now. *sigh*. I certainly hope Ken has matured since he left! Otherwise, it'd really be the end for them.
fanofNC chapter 79 . 13h
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no!
First, she's not allowed to go anywhere. Undoubtedly, many people can relate under the current circumstances.
Second, a pregnancy scare! The last thing we need right now! Let me take a guess. If you made the result positive, it would be the low point of the story, because Rilla and those around her would be forced into making certain decisions. And in this case, I'm sure that they won't be happy. They need more time apart and to sort through their thoughts yet. If you made the result negative, which I'm leaning towards and hoping for, it would just be a pregnancy scare, which would hopefully spur Rilla into more introspection. Maybe she'd tell Ken when he comes back, and he can form some thoughts too. (Also, you had Rilla discover a pregnancy at a time she didn't think she was ready in Dark Clouds, and I don't think you're one to repeat plot points ;).)
I'm quite worried, and I'm thankful we had a bit of light-hearted George-talk at the start.
JoAnna0 chapter 84 . 7/25
Oh, I simply love Hanson! Can we make him a head of Rilla's security detail in the future? I just thought it'd be nice ;). He's great at managing Rilla's meltdowns and seems to actually care for her as a person.

What happened to Persis and Blacky was awful, but written in the best way, well done. I can't imagine having to make that choice, especially about the horse that's not exactly mine (he might felt like hers for all of that training and I don't think Persis will argue with Rilla's decision, but that was a big one). Wasn't Owen informed minutes after the accident by some PPOs? Or was Rilla calling him more of a "I was there, I'm practically family" way than letting him know what happened?

Someone wrote here that Sam coming to the hotel was a bit creepy and I have to agree. It's not like his relationship with Rilla is the kind of friendship that allows that and none of her closer friends seemed to get the idea to come to her, so while Rilla was grateful for the shoulder to cry on, he did more than expected for the relationship they have and it feels a bit weird. I mean what he did fits "I want to be your boyfriend" more than "I'm your casual friend from the youth centre".

And Ken had a good idea to ask for that promise, I guess. When it was given, I thought it'd be more of a "this life is to hard, I can't take it" situation, when it'd be used ;). I know Sam is there (while Ken isn't) and he just did something really nice to her, but I don't get the appeal. I'm still like "Meh, Sam exists, ok, I feel nothing". I don't understand why, I care about most of your characters and Sam is just... Not my thing. Not like he bothers me, more like I don't see what Rilla sees (but I know why she may see something more).

(I'm going to write you a message after my new laptop comes, writing on my phone is not fun ;))
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 84 . 7/25
I was really, really not expecting to cry when I read this chapter... And here I am. God, poor Blacky. Horse death is always very painful.
Tinalouise88 chapter 84 . 7/23
I think we've all had one of the moments where you know something bad is about to happen and everything is in slow motion. Could be nothing more, then watching something precious roll off the table and smash, or something much greater like Blackie and Persis. Either way its never a fun moment to be in and while the only experience I have too tragically losing an animal was when my beagle got hit by a car when I was 12. I never had to be there for that moment, so my heart goes out for Rilla.

I like that Hanson is still around, and it nice to hear about his family and baby girl. Yay for him. I like that he still looks out for her, and made sure that the camera weren't around for such a thing.

As for Sam. I suppose I am glad that Rilla realized what was happening before it happened. Always been a firm believer of people put themselves in places that allow them to cheat. Don't want to cheat, don't put yourself into situations that may allow it, simple as that. As kind as it was for Sam to show up that just creepy of him. He was an okay dude in my book before he just showed up at her hotel on a wild guess of where she was staying. Especially he someone sees and connects him back to the centre...really not cool for loads of reasons. But mostly, just creepy.

It was nice to see Persis, and i hope she will be alright and heal from this. Reminds me of some movie( really can't remember the name of it...) I watched as a young girl about a horse spooking and getting tossed off and becoming paralyzed from it and having to relearn how to ride again... probably over thinking such things but my mind went there. So I wish Persis an textbook recovery, that isn't too long painful. I've never had a cast, I've never broken a bone but I always hear that casts are never fun and can be itchy.
Feux follet chapter 84 . 7/22
Oh, Blacky ... I know it was the kindest choice, and that to let him go allowed him to not suffer more, but still, it is always sad, and hard, to let go. You captured this scene with such intensity, it was as if I was living it for real - and in no better condition than Rilla.
Before the accident, I was agreeably surprised to see that Persis and Rilla were together, and it was heart-warming to see them around Blacky. He was like a hyphen between them, in a way. But what really struck me here, apart from the accident, was that moment when Rilla sees the flag, and know exactly what is going to happen, but knows she can't help it, for it will be too late. It was really impressive to read this scene, and to follow it with the same sense of helplessness Rilla was enduring! I hope that Persis will be alright - and Leslie, for I don't know how she'll react when she'll learn that her daughter had had an accident like that ...
Hanson was the best here. Even if it was short, he was the real shoulder upon which Rilla could cry, even if it was a bit formal, which regarding their situation is quite normal. I really appreciate their relationship, and the support Hanson is for Rilla, here. It was really moving after what had happen.

Now, Sam ... I think it is one of those moment when you are about to do something, then pause, and go back, which once they are finished, bring you more maturity because you were strong enough to not let it to facility ...
I enjoyed the way you describe this scene, how it leads to the highest point where Rilla have the choice between kissing him or going back and reflect upon her situation. Her choice, if not easy, was the best, and I was truly glad to see how changed she was. Years ago, she would have kissed him, but here, she pauses, and take the time to think about it. She already have been in this situation, but I don't think it is the only reason on why she stepped back, but anyway, it was really great to see how it all come back to a normality which, if it is similar the old one, is quite changed, in fact.
I just hope that nobody will hear about this - I'm not even talking about the stopped-kiss, though it would be horrible if they knew, but about Sam coming to her room. The "people-not-journalists" won't need more information to knit nonsensical stories and ruin Rilla's life again.
Also, I'm intrigued to know what will happen about this promise ...

Thank you for this new chapter, I can't wait to read what is going to come next!
Melbel1 chapter 84 . 7/22
When I read a new chapter, I frequently find myself trying to figure out where we are in relation to ROI. I'm so torn; I really think it's time for Ken and Rilla to reunite but I also don't want this to end. I know that this story really isn't strictly tracking to the timeline but it does interest me how you bring us back to the sense of the endless waiting in ROI and Rilla's becoming an adult. I know that you did the whole "don't kiss anyone while I'm gone" thing up at the beginning of this story, but this chapter did feel similar in that moment too. You are following the story in a non-linear way! ROI struggled with not giving away a kiss when she was waiting for Ken. Initially, I thought that this was so different because for ROI she was struggling with the guilt of sending Fred(?) off to war without the kiss. But then I realized that so many of Rilla's feelings are applicable here too - the deep loneliness, the secrecy, the uncertainty regarding the permanency of the relationship and Ken's commitment. I'm so glad that Rilla didn't take that easier path. She's not a cheater even though she cheated once. Now she knows it.
Guest chapter 84 . 7/22
Interesting chapter! I love seeing Persis and Rilla’s friendship and I like Sam but I really need a Rilla and Ken moment lol. Whether that’s loving or fighting
DrinkThemIn chapter 84 . 7/22
I’m gutted. Blacky! Persis will be fine but I’m so sad over Blacky. You did a great job composing that scene.

Rilla certainly appears to have one foot out the door now, doesn’t she? This IS like a TV show - or the ones we had growing up when we’d have to wait an entire week for the next episode. There’s no ‘on demand’ reading this! Unless you’d send me the rest of the chapters. ;) No? Damn!
Hildegaarde chapter 84 . 7/22
This chapter really did make me cry. Brought back a lot of memories of when I was 17 and lost my favorite horse in a freak accident. You nailed all the turbulent emotions and just how wretched it feels. I'm really glad Hanson smashed the camera. He is officially one of my favorite characters...okay, he has been for a while.
It is really nice of Sam to show up and offer a shoulder to cry on. And we get to see another personal growth marker for Rilla as she proves she is a big girl and can take the road she should take rather than the easy road.
I'm curious to see if Persis being in ICU will bring Ken back or not?
OriginalMcFishie chapter 84 . 7/22
Nice to see Rilla out and about with Persis, amd playing seriously woth the horsies. It all started out so nice. What a horrid accident. It was interesting to consider Carl breaking in to rescue test animals and a beautiful horse being put down and a gymkhana accident. I'm sure if Carl was there he'd talk about the rich making horses expendable ...though I know Rilla made the choice out of kindness. I was surprised Molly didn't hang around and help her, being an experienced groom and all, but I guess in crisis nothing runs to plan. Hanson is wonderful, isn't he? (If she and Ken do marry I want him to drive her to the church :)) Sam is a sweetie, running to take care of her. Poor lad, doesn't like the stars will align for him. And what a day for Rilla, thr loss of a favourite horse, potential loss of a friend and a glimpse into an easier life. Will she choose it?
Dw.618 chapter 83 . 7/22
I've had warm fuzzy feelings all week from this chapter. There's just something about seeing an open and honest Rilla enveloped by friends and family makes me smile from head to toe.

1. I've never read the Outlander series so I obviously don't get those references. But I can imagine Anne being outraged over anyone mistreating a book!

2. I loved finding out what Ken gave her for a previous birthday. I've assumed he has given her presents, but we haven't actually heard the details of any other than the original circle necklace and the heirloom earrings.

3. For many years in the US, there has been a very non-politically-correct brand of pancake mix and syrup called "Aunt Jemima." In recent weeks, they have announced that they will rebrand their product. But in the meantime, please pick a different name for Katie and Adam's baby.

4. I liked hearing that Rilla has stayed in contact with Tatty, Katie, and Great-Aunt Tanya. And I agree with Rilla that she shouldn't appear at Di's wedding with jewels or an expensive dress (even if borrowed). This day belongs to Di and Nia, not Rilla or high-fashion.

5. Rilla was VERY correct to tell Di, Nia, and Seraphina about Ken's true reason for missing the wedding. And she was correct that any negative press coverage would truly reflect on Ken himself, not on Di and Nia. But I feel sad for Ken that Di even had a moment's thought that Ken was avoiding her wedding as a personal attack on her. But when enough people might imply that idea (intentionally or not), she's going to probably start considering the idea.

6. The fact that Rilla gave Oliver "a look" when he suggested that she get Di to change her wedding date was interesting to me. It means that Rilla had an in-person meeting with Oliver at some point. Did he come to her place? Did he ask her to come to Ken's offices? Was she at KP for some other reason anyway? So many questions run through my mind about minor issues like these...sorry!

7. Although I'd sometimes like more details about minor events, I also really like how you don't focus extensively on extraneous the wedding ceremony and reception. It would be interesting to know more about these events - decor, location, etc., but those points are not needed as this is a Rilla story (not a Di's wedding story). That also goes along with the large time jumps between chapters. We get to keep seeing the development of the main plot without being caught up in the subplots. It must be very hard as a writer to know how much of each subplot to include.

8. And Anne...I love the fact that Di cared enough about Rilla to send Anne to her. And I love the idea that even when my daughter is all grown up, she too may choose to crawl into bed with me and pour out her heart. I'm pleased that Rilla explained that she's kept his military tour from her family primarily because she knows they are anti-war. Yet, Anne was able to help her see the difference that no matter what Ken does for work, the family is always pro-Rilla. I hope I can always reassure my children that I am always pro-them! And conversing with Anne is really the first person that Rilla has actually poured out her heart to since the fight at Balmoral in January. That is a very long time to bottle up your emotions! It cannot be emotionally healthy. And, I'm glad that Rilla was able to verbalize that she loves Ken although she isn't sure about the future of their relationship. And that she worries so much about him. Saying those things aloud might help her organize her internal emotions.

9. Love the sidebar updates about Shirley (and Kylie), Leslie, and Owen. I am curious about who Walter and Nan each roomed with since you said that the family was all paired up with their partners, which is why Seraphina and Rilla roomed together. And I was hoping we'd hear a brief blurb about what Jem and Faith decided to do and if they got Monday back. Maybe these questions will be answered in a future chapter?
Rach H chapter 83 . 7/22
I always read these chapters immediately somehow fall behind when reviewing! Hopefully this makes it across the line time wise...

First of all though - Blythes beat royals I’ve decided so this was exciting. I forgot this wedding was coming up and was happy to see it. While I would love a little bit more here (how did Nan cope with all of it, what’s new with Joy etc.) I love the bits we do get like Shirley doing the rumba!

I’m also so glad that Rilla broke and told Di and Nia what was going on. While I appreciate Seraphina was in her corner, it was so important for them to understand what the situation with Ken was, and that it wasn’t a boycott! While Ken has always been pretty open with Rilla about his views it’s fair enough that this may have never come across explicitly in a family context. You really are reinforcing the all of the detriments of Rilla’s relationship with Ken without any of the benefits right now, aren’t you?

The heart of this chapter for me though was Rilla finally having this conversation with Anne. Rilla definitely waited too long though and I feel she would be in a much better headspace if she’d talked this through this with someone much earlier. I did get happy flashbacks to RoI when Rilla originally tells Anne about her and Ken, despite the heaviness of the conversation (even though arguably we’ve already had that conversation). I’m not sure I 100% agree with Anne that “he was wrong to leave you, and wrong to make you wait” but Rilla definitely needs the reassurance and someone in her corner, and Anne provides that.

I’m looking forward to next chapter but I’m also sad if that means we are leaving the Blythes for now too, I forget how much I enjoy their storylines sometimes! Going back to the last chapter My primary object to cannabis is that it opens Rilla up to press allegations of illegal drug usage and it’s much harder to argue if there is truth to it! (Not that I see lawsuits being Rilla’s go to move despite her success, and hopefully the payout discourages the stories altogether.) Lastly if time proves Rilla right about Sam and fame, then I’m expecting some press drama here, because from everything you’ve told us Sam seems unlikely to be famous any time soon without an association with Rilla being highlighted... let’s see
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