Reviews for Annika: Part Three
Lya chapter 14 . 7/10
i reread this chap and I only just realised eric came into annie's room because he felt she was in trouble through their bond *tears*
Gre3nleaf chapter 14 . 7/7
This was adorable. Seeing how Eric handles her fear of needles and remembers not to force it on her even in his non-eric state is so, so sweet and makes me want him to come back all the more!
ThePenAndThePage chapter 14 . 7/6
I live it so much! It was absolutely brilliant!
Guest chapter 14 . 7/6
This is the sweetest chapter
lisistrataantigona chapter 14 . 7/6
Man is nothing by himself. He is but an infinite chance. But he is infinitely responsible for that chance"
- Albert Camus
Guest00 chapter 14 . 7/6
Amazing chapter! Is Eric coming back mentally? I hope he and Annika can repair their relationship ... and looking forward to learning more about what happened to them to get to this point. Your writing style is so unique and enthralling!
Guest chapter 13 . 6/27
This was so sweet. Can’t wait for the next chapter and hopefully see some more between Annie and eric!
Guest chapter 12 . 6/27
I loved this! Amazing!
Guest chapter 7 . 6/23
I so need to know what’s going on with these two! There are so many plot holes in this story it’s driving me mad! XD (still love it)
Guest00 chapter 13 . 6/22
You have such a gift with words! Love reading Annika’s stories.
ThePenAndThePage chapter 13 . 6/22
I love the new entry! I’m so excited to understand what’s up with Trevor!
Firephoenix chapter 13 . 6/22
Another amazing chapter! I love that you’re back! Annie’s story is my favourite. We’re all following her on her journey and that’s awesome
Guest chapter 3 . 6/17
Oh my... reading their interactions now as compared to the last 2 parts is so painful! D:
angeldaisie chapter 12 . 6/11
i’m not sure if your could include this at some point but i would love to see annie buy eric a gift of some sorts (after/if they’ve reconciled, of course!) and give it to him. he’s given her so much so maybe she finds out when his birthday is (not that he’d celebrate it) or just gets him a present for the sake of it! i think it’d be sweet. :)
Sofie chapter 12 . 6/11
I figured your 100th review should be of me speaking on behalf of everyone and saying that this story is art in its purest form. The way you write is absolutely magnificent. Its so unique, as is this story. It's wonderful how you manage to stick to the actual plot of the show while adding just enough of Annika for us readers not to get bored. The way you write all the characters - especially Eric - is so true to the show. Ahh. I love it. My favourite story. :)
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