Reviews for Second Chances
jpwood chapter 16 . 7/30
I Am late to the party, so I am sure you aren't around anymore, but this story was amazing. I loved the twist on the story and your writing really puts you on the moment and allows you to feel the emotion. The show didn't really have the driver to explore Sarah's dark past being a dramedy/love story but story like this are excellent. You are an excellent writer
Jace chapter 16 . 7/29
Great story, I liked Casey having respect for what Chuck dealt with, and I never liked the Forest character. Liked that the characters behaved in a believable manner, plus I liked the idea and Chuck and Sarah getting together without the long term, will they, won't they.

I started reading this and had to finish it one sitting, great read. Looking for more of your work.

Thanks for a very enjoyable read.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/27
I’ve really enjoyed this story. You’ve given a really good take on the characters and have kept them very close to my perception of their core personalities. I’m glad that you didn’t resort to foul language unnecessarily as that has never sat well in the ‘Chuckiverse’. Thank you.
Richard76310 chapter 16 . 5/24
Was wondering about Sarahs mother and Molly. Great story.
Richard76310 chapter 14 . 5/24
Ellie is written as such a strong loving woman. Wish Devon got more time and said more than awesome or way to go. Guess Carina knows about the intersect now.
Richard76310 chapter 13 . 5/24
Great chapter just unable to put feelings into words. Hope you keep writing.
Richard76310 chapter 12 . 5/24
Jeff and Lester. Did enjoy their characters on the show.
Richard76310 chapter 11 . 5/24
Yes did see that coming but was great.
Richard76310 chapter 10 . 5/24
You almost destroyed Chuck. Glad she stayed. Would have hated to stop reading your stories. So is Sarah going to be in for some emotional pain and remorse?
Richard76310 chapter 9 . 5/24
When it comes to those two I’m like a teenage fanboy. What 3 days and they have a relationship. Already kissed. However Daniel Shaw is coming. Hope Casey gets to shoot him.
Richard76310 chapter 8 . 5/24
She tells him everything. Her selfie loathing. How she sees herself. Her dad. Graham. Her deeds. He shows her how he sees her and how she should see herself. Finally the kiss. Loved hoe he choose the the restaurant with the worst yelp reviews.
Richard76310 chapter 7 . 5/24
BEACH? Should they tape themselves and let Roan watch so he can learn
Richard76310 chapter 6 . 5/24
Very forthright chapter. Mexican huh and dancing? Please don’t make them wait for the kiss. Maybe the beach?
Richard76310 chapter 5 . 5/24
Realized I haven’t commented on the previous chapters. Only excuse is I’m to interested in continuing reading your story. Quite different, wondered if the dad and ballerina would be at their meet greet. Liked how you did it and Lou’s being hamburgers. Know the story is complete but does she get a sports car? Meeting Ellie and Casey is scared of her. Wow this is going to be great. Aces just Aces.
Tigertod chapter 16 . 5/16
Sorry that it’s taken so long to review this story but I have enjoyed everyone one of your fanfics from The Plan & the Crosswalk to this last one Second Chances! Sad to see u go u helped me discover what a wonderful place the Chuck Universe is in the fanfiction word! So a heartfelt thank you to you!
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