Reviews for The Nightingale's Song
Samy.F chapter 38 . 7/25
This is really good and I'm glad stopped to take a look at it. Hope to see an update soon. ;)
LeePacefan chapter 38 . 7/1
Bri chapter 38 . 6/23
I just read your story in two days and I am desperate for an update on this wonderful story. This is by far the best fanfic I’ve read and am hoping you will continue with it. I love the time you have put into developing all the small details and this really sets your story apart from others. Looking forward to seeing more of this soon.
ArwenUndmiel chapter 38 . 5/27
Hey! I know it‘s been quite a long time, but please, please, please continue writing this story! I love it so much
readingfairy chapter 38 . 5/20
Love this story and look forward to read more
SolneD chapter 37 . 5/17
Hello ! I love your work, I feel so many emotions when I read it, it's wonderful ! All the characters have their own personality and there are few fan fiction writer who manage to do it. Thank you for this beautiful moment, I hope you will continue (or I'm just going to imagine the rest but it will be much worse than what you are doing)
It is realy one of the best fan fictions I have ever read !
Maja chapter 38 . 5/16
I loved this story. You är a very good writer. I hope you continue.
Elynana chapter 1 . 5/1
Hi, I just begin your story. I really do like the way you write. It is really pleasant to read someone who attach so much importance to details. Thank you
Guest chapter 38 . 3/21
I just read this beautiful story again for the billionth time! Can’t wait for you to update again
LadyGrell chapter 38 . 3/10
Most excellent story telling. Will there be more to this tale?
Ookamihime Ichimaru chapter 28 . 2/20
It always makes me so sad...the way the rest of the fellowship treats her.
Vienna22 chapter 38 . 2/19
I keep on re-reading all of these chapters and I love them! One of the best fanfics I have read! Can’t wait for the next chapter 3 3
01Katie chapter 38 . 2/12
I love it.
Ookamihime Ichimaru chapter 38 . 2/12
Aghhhhhh this is so goood! I can’t wait for the next chapter!
Captain Jade Sparrow chapter 38 . 1/25
Another great story. Hope to Read more soon
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