Reviews for Harry Potter and the Secret of Atlantis
Dee chapter 32 . 5/31
One of my favourite fics to read. Thank you
Majerus chapter 3 . 4/6
Harry was very strongly tempted to ask if she had made the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs, but managed to control himself.
narrowly avoided a spit-take on that one, tyvm :D

Oh dear Lord, Ron is going to have fish babies and a cat girlfriend. What could go wrong? :D
Majerus chapter 2 . 4/6
That was a helluva lot of fun!
Ari is a very interesting addition, and the conflict has uncovered some small problems in their relationships. Fortunately, this is a much stronger friendship than canon - mostly because of a much more mature Ron, but also due to a more self-assured Harry knowing when and how to reign in the ever-curious (sometimes rudely so) Hermione.
Majerus chapter 1 . 4/6
That pillar tho... loving the details all the way around.
Fun opening chapter, definitely compelling and your trio is just as well developed as Petunia's tale.
rob96803036 chapter 19 . 4/2
I just realized Jones after Indiana Jones. Well played
HDTaggart chapter 32 . 3/19
I found this story very intriguing for many reasons. It is an unusual genre for Harry Potter fan fiction. The combination of Indiana Jones and Magic is great. But my favorite part were the way that you build the magical world. You really gave it a global dimension. The short introductions of each chapter were brilliant. I hope you write another installment with the search for Shangri-La.
Good stuff,
PixelatedLights chapter 32 . 12/4/2019
woah this story kept me glued to my phone! I'm so sad it's over, is there a sequel planned?
Manatheron chapter 32 . 11/24/2019

Incredibly well-rounded story, a little bit of absolutely everything! A true pleasure to read! I hope to see more like it in the future!
Mrs anonymous chapter 32 . 11/24/2019
You've out done yourself starfix5. Your other fics were good. This one is astounding.
dougal74 chapter 32 . 8/19/2019
Absolutely loved this story, hope you will be doing a sequel. Loved the odd Star Wars and Indiana Jones inclusions. Would love to see Ari's kids develop and grow up. Maybe a magical artifact that unlocks Petunia's magical talents.

I know you mentioned a potential sequel at the end, how about some others:

The lost city of gold
Anything from Indiana Jones
The lost treasure of the Knights Templar
Knights of the round table, Avalon and Excaliber
The Queen of Sheba and King Solomon's Mines
Lahmikhara chapter 32 . 8/4/2019
Wow, loved the story! Great character and world building, did not feel rushed like the first part and all in all solid writing.

I really enjoyed what you created thank you for posting this!

PadrePedro chapter 32 . 7/29/2019
And YES, this was one of the best stories I have ever read!
Which means I wish for one in Mesopotamia; finding the lost city of Akkad,
or the legendary library of the Sumerians . . .
But it would NOT be polite to ask, would it?
PadrePedro chapter 29 . 7/24/2019
Before turning blue, I begin to breathe a gain - such a soooooo very good story!
PadrePedro chapter 24 . 7/23/2019
Oh dear - it now seems there is organised crime behind the scenes.
I need to keep reading; so apologising for short review!
grovepjp chapter 32 . 7/21/2019
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