Reviews for Proximity
crazyKate92 chapter 8 . 5/21
Great chapter! I hope both of the twins come out of this alive!
anon1 chapter 8 . 5/19
So excited to see an update for this story! I think it's fantastic, and the new chapter was great. Can't wait to see what's next. Thanks for the update and stay safe!
Gigi chapter 8 . 5/17
I adore this story! Thank you for updating :)
Madam3Mayh3m chapter 8 . 5/16
And wait for the next chapter !
James Birdsong chapter 8 . 5/16
Cool of course
ELClemons chapter 4 . 3/14
This is such a creative rendition of time travel/magical bonds. I love it and you are writing it really well. I love the deep POV for both Fred and Hermione. Your dialogue is original, interesting, and in character. I'm excited to see where you take it!
Leovigild chapter 7 . 2/23
ooo you updated! great! absolutely adore this story! you're amazing
also: all the best in your studies!
Anne chapter 7 . 2/17
I am so glad you updated this story. It is absolutely fascinating.
anon1 chapter 7 . 2/16
Love this new chapter, and so excited to see it! I like the various dynamics happening between the two trios. Can't wait for the battle chapter!
Snaperipper chapter 7 . 2/15
Thank you for the update! Good Luck with school.
NikkiNie chapter 7 . 2/15
Love it3 Fred and Hermione are so cute:)
misamochis chapter 6 . 10/4/2019
I really hope Angelina doesn't die... I feel like she will, but I really hope I'm wrongAlso, that Endgame reference
Guest chapter 6 . 9/19/2019
I love how you write Hermione with Fred and George. A lot of writers seem to fall into the trap of making Fred and George exactly the same which (as a multiple myself) I can tell you is so untrue. I love getting to know both Fred and George for who they are as individuals, not just who they are as a single unit or set.

Also, is this going to be book or movieverse as far as horcruxes? Like, will Voldemort only know that his horcruxes are being found because of Harry & Co. breaking into Bellatrix’s vault or it be like the movies where he feels it when they are destroyed (which was a massive plot hole in the movies because why wouldn’t he have then also felt it when Dumbledore destroyed the ring and gone to check on his horcruxes then)?
Guest chapter 5 . 9/19/2019
“Harry and Griphook would still be under the invisibility cloak- even though the goblin will still try to backstab them, they would still fly out on the back of the blind dragon- she couldn't leave the poor creature there after all.”

Ummmm...I wouldn’t say they need to just go along with letting Griphook betray them this time when Hermione already knows he will. Why do so? The deal should be that Griphook will get the Sword of Gryffindor once they escape Gringotts. To that end, they shouldn’t even BRING the Sword to Gringotts because that’s just too much temptation for Griphook. They should leave it at Shell Cottage so Griphook has an incentive to get them out. But if Harry decides they absolutely MUST bring it with them, then Hermione should absolutely INSIST that the Sword be kept in her beaded bag instead of letting Griphook hold it. Yeah, they’ll still break out on dragonback, but Griphook won’t escape and call for goblins and security guards to come catch intruders. I think that’s much safer of a plan because even if Gringotts guards are eventually alerted when the dragon bursts through the ceiling, they wouldn’t have any time to even know what’s going on before the dragon escapes! If Griphook escapes and alerts the guards, they’ll have time to mount more of a defense and the Death Eaters could be alerted, meaning there would be much more of a chance that their group could get hurt or even killed.
Fandomwizard26 chapter 6 . 9/18/2019
I REALLY LOVE THIS FIC THANK YOU FOR UPDATING! As a fellow college student I commend your dedication to the fic and I look forward to the next chapter whenever it may arrive.
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