Reviews for It's Always There
whysoawesome chapter 15 . 6/3
Really great as always! Got me a little bit teary eyed at Lorelai’s thank you to Luke. A really lovely moment!
b chapter 15 . 6/2
I love this so much and Luke and Lorelai's little family! Beautiful story
lulu1960 chapter 15 . 5/31
Very cute chapter. I love that they are a happy family and are accomplishing Lorelai's dream of an Inn together. Enough canon to make the story recognizable but different with the added touches
Nancy chapter 15 . 5/31
Another great chapter! Life keeps moving along for Luke and Lorelai and their growing family. Emily and Richard felt compelled to make up for the ghastly mistake of Lorelai and Rory going to Atlantic City for Rory's 21st - oh, the horrors of it! Sad that they can't simply accept that it had been a longtime plan of Lorelai and Rory. Isn't Mia wonderful - calling Lorelai to see if the offer for selling her inn would be at a good time for Lorelai and Sookie! (Now, that is what good mothers do!) A brief scare for Luke and Lorelai - but it is all good. And, Luke making an ice skating rink for Lorelai and the kids was so Luke! I needed a really "happy" today - and you did it. Thanks so much. And, keep them coming. Be well.
JJFan chapter 14 . 4/29
I just finished reading this entire series and I am simply blown away! I love it so much!
Thank you for writing it and still updating, can't wait to read future chapters :)
whysoawesome chapter 14 . 4/1
Love this so much! It’s all too cute for words!
Nancy chapter 14 . 3/28
Welcome to our world, Olivia! You have a lovely family, loving mom and dad, and great (little bit) bigger brother, and a bigger big sister who has a wonderful boyfriend named MARK. You will love your home and your great new nursery. And, you will be the best loved little girl in the Hollow. A great chapter. Thanks so much. More when you can.
A chapter 14 . 3/28
Awwww so sweet! Another little one to love, love this series and your stories so much! thanks so much for sharing!
lulu1960 chapter 14 . 3/27
Welcome to the world, Olivia. Nice series of events as you got to the birth of the baby. Hopefully your Rory will have more sense and steer clear of Logan.
Guest chapter 14 . 3/27
Great chapter
Jenjen6781 chapter 13 . 1/1
I have been loving this story! The pace is perfect and it's so fun watching this family grow!
tony91 chapter 13 . 12/30/2019
Can't wait for more! :)
Guest chapter 7 . 12/28/2019
Hi! Just read all of this series and I love it so much! Love where this story is now and wheres its headed with my fav little family
junienmomo chapter 13 . 12/23/2019
What a cute chapter! Everyone had their own little joke, or prank, or twist on reality. Lorelai’s disappointment followed by the surprise made me smile.
junienmomo chapter 12 . 12/23/2019
Brilliant comparison to a retirement party. Emily ever the perfectionist, even in child proofing. Looking forward hopefully to an interesting family weekend.
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