Reviews for Complicated
Natters chapter 1 . 10/13/2019
Good fic
Bna1001 chapter 1 . 12/25/2018
Present tense was interesting here. I guess asking for time is totally valid, rather than going to an argument or pretending things are ok straight away. Excited for more of your writing.
franxine bobo chapter 1 . 11/27/2018
i hate that walter is treated like it was all his fought paige caused all this most if not all because she said be honest and when he was she got her feelings hurt and said it was all right to lie to spare someones feelings mainly hers so when he did and because she was feeling like she was useless and jealous of flo she blew it out of porportions she was ok with flo to give her a chance until that stupid dream of walters but noy once did she ever think of how much pain and hurt she put him through as he waited to see if her and tim would make it and she blamed him for that she knew he loved her and still hurt him if he still loved her after that she should know he would not cheat i say make her earn his love again
musiqueismyjam1041 chapter 1 . 11/17/2018
Perfect ending
MetalKyria chapter 1 . 11/12/2018
I'm so happy to see a new story from you.
I'm always more sorry that Walter feels bad,then any of the other's.
I can easily understand what Paige is going through. Been there..
Feel so sad when Walter hurt himself and he don't care.
There's a lot of more thing's I want to say,but It will have to be enough for now. Love when you gives us a lot of angst to work through
ScorplinginTraining chapter 1 . 11/11/2018
Ha! I've been outta town and imagine my delight when I got beck to find not one, but two new stories from you! Yay!

This one broke my heart in the best way. Because I can totally see things happening just like this. My poor Walter. In my opinion, he has just as much right to be angry and resentful and holding a grudge. But he doesn't. And even when she refuses to speak to him, with no reassurance she ever will, he gives her the space she needs. Putting her needs before his. That is the definition of actual love. Doing the best thing for the other person in spite of what's best for you. And he still tries taking care of her. With no guarantees things will ever improve. Gosh, this was impeccable writing!
Marie chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
Really happy to see you back i love all your stories and this one is so réal it could have been like that on the show
Thank you for this nice story
Marti chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
Please do write again. Love your story!
tmtcltb chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
Really enjoyed this, especially the maturity that Walter showed in waiting.
FoxPhile chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
I know I'm beyond behind, but I had to read this one as soon as I saw it. Thank you! It's a perfect rendering of what I was talking about.

I love how you portray Walter's anxiety - especially "She didn't awaken an ability to love romantically in him. She *is* that ability." A big part of the angst of the break-up is knowing that while Paige could find happiness elsewhere, eventually - Walter never will. He's a one woman man in the most profound sense of the phrase. His little efforts to connect - like coffee with cinnamon - despite knowing that she needs space are a testament to how much he knows this himself, and how much it frightens him.

I think one of the parts I like best is when he's injured - but numb to the pain. You draw a great contrast between the physical pain of his injury against the emotional pain he's dealing with, and it's clear that nothing can truly hurt Walter - or even make an impression on him - as long as Paige is not in his life. Even saving a lot of people - while it means something, it doesn't mean what it once did.

I also like the progression you build from Walter wanting what Walter wants - to get back together as soon as possible - through Walter understanding Paige needing time - to realizing they both have issues and both contributed to their problems - to simply wanting her to be happy, even if it's not with him. It's perfect that it's when he gets to that point, that Paige is finally ready. With that knowledge, and that attitude, Walter and hopefully Paige, too, will be able to work things out.
dS-Tiff chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
Love this. So pleased you were able to write it. I love that Paige admits she needs a little more time and that Walter is prepared to wait, even though he almost can't bear to. Really love this line - 'She just let her insecurities get the best of her. And he had let himself forget that she had them' - because that's really it in a nutshell isn't it. Excellent!
Northangerescapee chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
Thank you! Glad to see you' re back and with a very nice story too… I like the way Walter is willing to give Paige all the time she needs even if it kills him...
Liasonfan75 chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
Glad to see you back!