Reviews for Catch A Falling Star
SPN Mum chapter 7 . 12/27/2018
I have seen, and love, How's Moving Castle. This was a great adaptation of the original story, and I really enjoyed how you made Charlie the girl who became the old woman, Sam and Dean magicians, and Castiel the star. Kudos for some more great storytelling!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/19/2018
Omg I almost cried, such a beautiful story
Guest chapter 2 . 12/19/2018
Can’t believe I just found this story, this is awesome. I can’t help but imagine the scene as the movie awesome writing, I guess now I’ll just spend my time reading all your stories since the few that I found were great. :)
laureleaf chapter 2 . 12/17/2018
What a delightful crossover!
Ekisho chapter 7 . 12/6/2018
I loved this story so much. The melding of the spn characters with the Howls Moving Castle atmosphere was flawless, and I enjoyed every chapter.
BrokenKestral chapter 7 . 12/6/2018
One of my favourite things in the world is the way redemption does more than save-it takes every failure and makes it a furthering of what is good. Your last line reminded me of that. I wasn't sure I would enjoy the combining of the two stories, with very different feels, but I did. I hope you enjoyed writing it as much as I enjoyed reading it.
Snovolovac chapter 7 . 12/4/2018
You know those early childhood memories that kind of etch into your brain and stay with you forever? One of those for me is the movie you based this au on, or actually just a few scenes from it. It was on TV when I was maybe 3 or 4 and I never watched it again after because I didn't know the name. And now I open this story and realize what exactly it's based on and I swear my heart skipped.
Those few scenes would pop into my head randomly for the past 16 years and I always thought I'd Google it later but never actually got around to do it and now I finally know the name.
So yeah, a long review that doesn't really have anything to do with reviewing, but I had to share the story and thank you for helping me out, even though it was unintentional hahah.
I loved this story, I devoured it in one go it was so good.
LadyWallace chapter 7 . 12/3/2018
Aw :') I adored this story and loved the conclusion! Go Charlie stabbing Amara like that! And it's lovely that Cas was able to recover as well, though now without the direct tie to Dean so it's much more plausible for him to help without fearing getting them both killed. The family feels in this were just lovely, and I'm so glad you decided to write this AU/crossover and share it with us n_n
VegasGranny chapter 7 . 12/3/2018
What suspense and danger for them to survive together. I was so sad when I thought Cas was dead, but then he came back, and it's a fantastic ending to everything. Loved this story!
29Pieces chapter 7 . 12/3/2018
Happy endings! Gah but that was close for a minute... I about broke down when the boys and Charlie did, and gah when they were saying their goodbyes with Cas? *gross sobbing* What a wonderful story from start to end! I love the picture of happy and healthy and mostly-safe Winchesters/Cas/Charlie at the end! This is just... *happy sighs* marvelous! Taking a fantastic group of characters and a fantastic movie and mashing them up like this just really WORKED! I'm so glad you had this idea and shared it with us all. Hooray!
29Pieces chapter 6 . 12/3/2018
Gah, she is so creepy and crazy! And now both the boys are caught O.O And Cas, omg, the only thing holding the castle doors in place! I love that even though he's a demon instead of an angel (so ironic, given Misha was told at his audition that he was trying out to be a demon!) he's still so powerful! But what's going to happen now? From the movie, I think I know where his heart is, but the witch never captured Sam and Dean either, so we've already diverged a bit... *eagerly pushes NEXT CHAPTER*
29Pieces chapter 5 . 12/3/2018
"this tightrope of madness and power his brother walked" omg I love this line. I don't even know why exactly, I just love it so, so much! Gah, what a terrifying thing for Sam and Cas, to feel like there's so little they can do to help. And they care so much about him! I adore the family feels that persists in this AU, also encompassing Charlie (who is SUCH a trooper! I love it, it's so her). Wonderful chapter!
Kathy chapter 7 . 12/3/2018
very nice ending to a great story, I haven't seen that movie but this worked well as a story, thanks
emnm2525 chapter 7 . 12/3/2018
gahhhhhhhhh. feeeeels
emnm2525 chapter 7 . 12/3/2018
best ending ever
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