Reviews for Efficiency
akagami hime chan chapter 16 . 8/29
Hitoshi is breaking my heart, there are tears in my eyes from his pov piece, please let him be happy I JUST WANNA HUG HIM AND PET HIS HAIR AND TELL HIM EVERYTHING WILL BE OK
akagami hime chan chapter 13 . 8/29
Hawks is my beloved chicken boy and I am glad I found a fellow fan
akagami hime chan chapter 12 . 8/29
just when I thought she wouldn't get new cute little brother characters to show up you give me Hitoshi? purple boy deserves all the hugs. Thanks for this chapter
akagami hime chan chapter 7 . 8/29
she got him good
akagami hime chan chapter 6 . 8/29
the freaking plant scene was adorable D:
akagami hime chan chapter 5 . 8/29
Katsuki as a little brother, oh my God. Why is this story so freaking cute. Also, her teacher is super creepy wtfff
akagami hime chan chapter 3 . 8/29
ahhhh Bakugo is such a little btch, I love him so much!
akagami hime chan chapter 1 . 8/29
I love her big sister relationship with Izuku. Also, I really feel like she's Aizawa's soul sister. Just imagine their tired eyes connecting one morning and feeling each other's tiredness. They could even share tips on quiet spots to nap undisturbed. Beautiful.
Winddemon199 chapter 16 . 8/26
Ah man it's gonna suck for her to have to go see her mom who's never around.
Winddemon199 chapter 7 . 8/26
Wait shouldn't bakugou know that just cause you call someone Nee-san it doesn't mean she's said actual persons older sister since it can be used for older woman in japan that aren't related to you?
Guest chapter 16 . 8/18
update pls uwu,
SpiderAppleCider chapter 16 . 8/18
A green spandex suit, huh? This a Naruto reference? Poor Hitoshi, I can see him being the jelly baby brother/cousin when they get to UA. I bet some of will be like "Your lucky to have such a great sister. Well not anymore, I'm going to steal her and make her MY family what do you think of that? Spoil brats."

Deku "O-oh, you too, huh? Well you see.."

ADDBaby chapter 16 . 8/18
WaaaaaaAAH! Baby Boi Hitoshi is just a good boi who wants a good sister. ;;;v;;;)

yo man, what is up with Nana's mom? Why is she so controlling? OnO)?

LMAOOO Nana and Hitoshi tag teaming to get their way into Didneyland. XDDD
OneWhoReadsTooMuch chapter 16 . 8/18
Hitoshi is a precious little cinnamon roll that needs to be protected at all costs! Also I keep forgetting that Nana has a mother...I just think that Kenta raised her as the good big brother that he is.
chibianimefan26 chapter 15 . 8/6
god i love this fic it’s just so wholesome and then omakes are just *chefs kiss*
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