Reviews for Limitless (A Dragon Ball SI)
Goku chapter 6 . 7/18
Great story,,pls write more.
Killamari chapter 5 . 6/1
Been a really big fan of this story since I stumbled on it a couple years ago. I'm extremely happy it's getting updated more frequently. The care put into Coco's advancements, however minor, feel earned.

I'm looking forward to more!
nickarn22 chapter 2 . 3/16
Maybe put extreme au in the description, as Gohan lived alone on Mount Pauzu. Goku had never seen another human other than Gohan before Bulma. Was definitely no village there.
DAve and Bob chapter 3 . 6/18/2019
These are always interesting to read. It's interesting, because OC characters are actually pretty rare in the Dragon ball fandom, mostly due to the absurd nature of dragon ball, so seeing someone tackle it in a down to earth fashion is pretty refreshing.
Hashirama 1710 chapter 1 . 11/16/2018
XanAuthorOfTheNightmare chapter 1 . 11/14/2018
YAAAAAAY! This has a place here now! *frothing excitement intensifies*