Reviews for Can't Find My Way Home
Lacysos chapter 79 . 8/14
If you had told me you were writing a 300k word story with 79 chapters about Sam and Dean and Dean would not physically appear until chapter 65-66? I would have thought impossible. But you did it. Ironically Dean was never missed because Sam was always missing Dean. Brilliant writing. Love this story.
BTW I’m a Sam girl.
spnfan2005 chapter 79 . 8/12
Love it please write more
spnfan2005 chapter 36 . 8/11
love it please write more
Lacysos chapter 54 . 8/10
Your research shows. You really took me back to those awful days.
Lacysos chapter 52 . 8/10
Well done. No offense.
Rafaela Amanda chapter 79 . 4/30
My God, this story was incredible, seriously, it’s too surprising, I’ve never read anything like that in Spn fanfics, I’m speechless
Unfortunately it took me a long time to finish this story, but it was worth it, it was honestly one of the most amazing stories I've ever read.
You write Sam like no one else can and I love him too much, he's my favorite character from all media, so for me it was completely gratifying to follow this story focused on him.
Again, it was amazing what you did here, where you took Sam, the things that happened to him, how he handled everything, he was so strong and brave. All very exciting. Everything that happened was surreal, but in a wonderfully well-written way.
I'm completely happy and thankful that still have writers like you who write such amazing Supernatural stories, especially with Sam in focus
I haven't written everything I wanted in this comment yet, because I'm still speechless and I want to comment on every detail as soon as I can, but for now I want you to know how much you took me by surprise with this saga, and I'm completely grateful, I will be forever grateful for that gift.
CallMeSama chapter 8 . 12/26/2019
Began the re-read listening to “Dear Younger Me” by MercyMe and I don’t think there could’ve possibly been a better song for this whole story
EmeraldWings90 chapter 79 . 11/24/2019
I had fallen behind on reading this a while ago, and I just read from chapter 54 to here basically without stopping. It's quite a ride, and you're right, it's unlike almost any other fic I've read - in an absolutely awesome way. My mind is buzzing. And yeah, why wouldn't God bring Sam back if he brought Cas back? *glares at canon!Chuck* I loved the reunion with George, too. And Patience being blind to Sam's age but seeing that Dean is way too young to be his brother. :D And Sam needs to take some credit for saving the world. *shakes head at him*
Guest chapter 57 . 11/12/2019
This hit deep. Especially because the Serenity prayer is my absolute favorite prayer. Holding back tears. You did an amazing job and I’m gonna miss George.
SPN Mum chapter 79 . 9/6/2019
What a great ending! How nice to see Sam truly happy, and experiencing his two lives merging so well. Sam might continue to hunt with Dean, but now he can share special moments with Missouri and her family, with Dean and Bobby too. Love this story!
SPN Mum chapter 78 . 9/6/2019
I'm happy that Sam was able to see George again and to find out the things that are happening in Heaven. God might have taken His time bringing Sam back, but Sam needed that time with George, and I'm sure God knew that. Castiel needed to be brought back from his death quickly, because Dean needed him, before Dean could do something rash. Cas brought Bobby back, which Dean also needed. I'm glad that Anna was brought back too. They all have a lot to celebrate too.
Colby's girl chapter 79 . 8/18/2019
Sorry this is so late, I was on a road trip :)
That was a wonderful way to send us off into the sunset of this great story. Thank you for the hours and hours of work you've dedicated to this story. I truly enjoyed the journey.
NinaJoFoster chapter 79 . 8/17/2019
Hey this was a beautiful ending to a magnificent story and though I'm sad it's over I'm also glad and happy for how it turned out. Keep up the amazing work you are by far one of my favorite authors.
Iuvsbruce chapter 79 . 8/14/2019
ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT AND AMAZING! What a labor of love! This was the PERFECT place to end; Sam surrounded by the people he loves the most. I can't thank you enough for this wonderful story! In a little bit, I need to read it all at one sitting!
Tsweeny chapter 79 . 8/13/2019
This was an amazing story and I enjoyed reading every word of it.
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