Reviews for The Restaurant With Sushi That's Out of This World
TheAngelicPyro chapter 14 . 7/15
Holy shit. Gokudera's not even wrong, with all the good that comes from protecting civilians, there's just as much bad injuries, property damage, and entitlement. Can you tell I'm loving this fic? Because I absolutely am, both from the realistic interactions, to the tenth generation being sick of people forcing their values onto them when all they want is to be happy and exist together.

Thank you for the absolutely wonderful story!
Guest chapter 14 . 7/11
AHHHH, this is too good! I want to read more!
Niuzu0130 chapter 14 . 7/7
Esta historia es la ostia
ilovecartoonsgirl chapter 14 . 6/26
Oh Iida...Thank goodness Deku (and Todoroki) knocked some sense into you though I am afraid that the Stain fight is gonna turn out a bit differently. I like this story idea, and how protective the mafia kids all are of each other, and that Tsuyoshi is their guardian. I like that despite all the questions, UA and the Takesushi gang are on relatively good terms. Great job!
Mard Geer03 chapter 14 . 6/24
I just found a hidden gem hehehehe
Wonder what All for One's reaction will be to another "supposed" stockpiling quirk
Happy Korokoro chapter 14 . 6/21
Can you elaborate why some guardians stayed behind when they can clearly have a better life in bnha verse?
Guest chapter 14 . 6/19
Nice chapter, and in some ways Gokudera is right - why is it that hero’s are so very different from other public services? At the same time he’s also cherry picking examples - there are glory hounds but sometimes that’s fine. If you’re the hero that saves my life then why would I care if you’re a glory hound? If you help more then hurt go ahead! Also people sometimes forget that historically hero’s, like Hercules, were vain, petty people. It’s only in modern times that we think they should all be like superman.
LegendaryMob chapter 14 . 6/17
Cool fic...

Thanks for the chapter and hope for more!
Skylar chapter 14 . 6/17
Wahhh this is amazing! I hope you can continue this and your other story as well! I'll wait for the next updates!️️
Guest chapter 14 . 6/16
can you tell how iida's situation is to be handled next chap?
Lazy Servant chapter 14 . 6/15
Thanks for the chapter,
808Joker808 chapter 14 . 6/14
so far so good
808Joker808 chapter 5 . 6/12
Dude this story has subverted my expectations in all the right ways. Seriously each chapter ends up being better than the last.
PanelinhaDePressao chapter 14 . 6/10
Also! I think that coming from a world that "Hero" it's not a profession, Gokudera thoughts are very true. Besides, BNHA society are encouraging the system to create child soldier under the government control. The idol part makes me very uncomfortable too, the level of fanatism in that world it's kinda scary, all the devotion, idk (sorry if i this is not very coesive, I still have a hard time writing in english shskksksa)

I really like this story! Will be really interesting to see where all this is going, will they continue in BNHA world? there's even a way to go back (it was implied that there wasn't, if i remember right?), will they overthrow the government? revolutionize society? will they go to jail? be written off as lunatics? will some of them be kidnapped? will. they. die?

Take care, bye bye!
B00ki5h chapter 8 . 6/10
I find it weird that no one ever seems to notice that Fuuta has a bastards name. In Italian his name literally means Fuuta of Stella. Much like Leonardo de Vinci was an illegitimate son. It's not really a modern thing or done much any more but The More You KNOW!
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