Reviews for Versions of You
reylolove chapter 63 . 6/6
Thanks for this fic, I really enjoyed it. I'm a sucker for a HEA, and this one was tied up with a big sugary bow at the end! Moreover, I'll definitely be re-reading this one some day as it was so full of delicious dark humour. Snoke was especially hilarious! Actually, I liked pretty much all of the interactions. And I always find it fascinating to read another person's interpretation of the WBW.
Really loved: affable mentor Hux; Dark Apprentice Rey, who gets to use her fighting skills this time round, yay; this sweet version of Kylo (not dissimilar to my headcanon Kylo); the tongues sticking out; the bottled water; the projections; the unwitting quasi Sith marriage... I could go on.

I wouldn't be "ho-hum" about this fic at all; I thought there was plenty of social and political discourse - in fact, oodles more than most Reylo fics I read - with tonnes of depth and thought-out reasoning, which gave the plot and the characters credibility and made for a thoroughly satisfying read.
I hope you write another Reylo fic again in the future - difficult, I know, given how Episode 9 turned out. (In my mind the story diverges in orbit above Kijimi, if not on Pasaana, or maybe even Episode 8!)
Thanks again.
Guest chapter 48 . 4/26
No time? No time to shut a door blocking all pursuers from coming after you? That makes no sense it is the stupidest thing you have ever written?! Not trying to be rude but I just don't understand why anyone would do that?
Tohka123 chapter 63 . 3/19
Really enjoyed the story, keep up the hard work.
ghibli3624 chapter 25 . 2/24
stars above, I love how you write Hux
readerkay chapter 1 . 2/21
I loved this story. Thank you!
RomanaandK9 chapter 1 . 2/7
Literally spent two days just reading this. Thank you for such a well written story! Swept me up and took me away. Much love from this fan. 3
FourShot411 chapter 63 . 2/6
That was a kick-ass story! Thank you for posting it! I was on the edge of my seat for every chapter. Amazing writing, great characters. Just awesome.
Smallpeg chapter 64 . 1/16
Thank you for all your works. I’ve loved every one of your stories, and find them interesting, challenging and pithy in their own ways. I love your in-jokes and subversive takes on different characters, and I particularly loved the wildcard Worlds within Worlds in this fic. I hope life is OK in the Blue house, and I look forward to whatever work you feel like publishing in the future.
Cneros chapter 64 . 8/28/2019
Oh.. my.. God.
Okay so I just finished this whole story. Took 3 days. I had just seen TLJ last week and was wondering about the whole Reylo thing. I read about 6 different fan fics before coming across this and WHOA I absolutely loved it. I do not know much, if anything about Starwars besides these newer films. I loved that it was written in the SW world. But there was so much action, background information I just had to Google certain characters To me the characters felt believable. Compared to the previous stories lol I agree with not liking AU of these characters, it's a preference I guess but ahhhhh this was a great read. I'm actually not sure if I will be able to read another Reylo fix after this hahah. Thank you so much.
Roacharoo chapter 64 . 8/27/2019
I finally got around to finishing this! I’ve been super stressed with school for months, and depressed, and have been mostly reading super smutty Reylo when I’ve needed a break. But when I saw you started a new Reylo fic, I knew I needed to finish this one first. As always, it was fantastic. It was nice to return to a story that fits in the universe and with the characters so well developed.
wildpinkflower chapter 64 . 8/19/2019
it was a fantastic story that had me wanting more each week. i have to say i do love a good rey and kylo angst story so i hope u write again on it soon. i do love snoke but prefer when the story is based solely around rey and kylo. will u write anymore soon? u r one of my top 3 fav authors on the star wars fics..
OneofJennifer chapter 64 . 7/7/2019
Your writing is superb! If you’re not making money already as a writer, know that you have what it takes. Once in a blue moon I’ll come across a fanfic author who just knocks my socks off.

That person is you.

I have joyfully spent the better part of a week reading this story.
Guest chapter 19 . 7/4/2019
Larita1976 chapter 22 . 6/20/2019
Esto es alucinante...y catastrófico?
Larita1976 chapter 18 . 6/20/2019
Leer cada párrafo ha sido emocionante,oscuro y gracias...seguiré leyendo...
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