Reviews for High Voltage
Heart chapter 5 . 1/7/2019
Drama~ Also, frickin' horrors everywhere. So yeah. It was sweet to know that Sakumo was an absolute goo fluff ball when it came to his love. GEEZ. They had to re-sharpen the blade?! Gives you quite a bit of a scope of how bad this war was if the 30% population decrease as. A. Whole. Wasn't enough! Lol trolling sword. Ooooh I hope the blade trolls to the max and ducks with some heads and ya know, hopefully helps Not That Bad Brat and Said Brat's Wife and Hopefully Not Utterly Broken Boy. Ooooh so they may be able to project themselves but wouldn't be able to move on their own... INTERESTIIIIIIING...! :D Protecc~~~ Stab Danzo in the junk if he doesn't change his harming Konoha waaaaays~~~ If you please~~~ Brilliant chapter. Curious as to what shall happen next. (Come on Blade, become the protective, bloodthirsty mama bear we all know you could beeeee) ( XD ) *crosses fingers* Have a nice day! Byyyyye~
Heart chapter 4 . 1/7/2019
Oh my goodness. A moment of silence for the teammates. ... Okay, that was a legit chapter. Really. OHMYGOSH THE AVATAR THING AT THE END! YAAAAAAAAS! TOTALLY RE-READ THAT ISH! :D XD X3 YES! UN! Oooh~ two en? Heheheheeeeee! Hey, maybe he could study it a bit when he's bored just so he can have to best political comebacks that leave every opponent WRITHING! MUAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! Lol the rampage of Hatake Sakumo! Yes, let off some steam, honey. Ha! He threw a freakin' temper tantrum! XP XD Oh that Rangetsu... baka. X) I am so glad all the Clan Heads got unnerved. Brats! Oh so Danzo is up there, eh? OoOooOhhh! Blade-person is truthin'! Lovely chappie! :)
Heart chapter 3 . 1/7/2019
Lol. Done and bored sword! Poor Sakumooooo. LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS~!
Heart chapter 2 . 1/7/2019
I had the really strong urge to listen to "I found peace in your violence" whilst reading this. Maybe mainly cuz of the chorus but eh. I *clap* love *clap* this *clap* chapter. The 'getsu lore. The snarky blade. The outward voice! I sincerely wonder if they will be able to project themselves out into the physical world as like a person. I could imagine they cycle through the wielders and maybe even the blacksmith at first just to be dramatic lolz then picks a more steady form (but pranksters gotta prank yoooo XD ). I love that the blade is pissed and irritated at the lack of written or remembered history of their clan. Queen. I really liked Sakumo's POV! That was nice~ Oooh! Sannin shootouts! I wanna protecc these pups! Sooo nice chapter, author! X) :) I really liked it! ;) :)
Heart chapter 1 . 1/7/2019
I really like this. Thanks, Author's brain! *eye smile* Lol all mysterious sounding doof. X) BETRAYAAAAAAAAL! Ha! *snort* Doesn't speak with the particular assholes. Said assholes get refused heir ship. Trolllollolollol. Oh I hope somehow a sentient sword being can save Sakumo. Really. *puppy dog eyes no jutsu* Oh but this is lovely so far. :) :D Yes. Good chappie!
Luckyshot8 chapter 3 . 11/19/2018
Nice since he’s a magical sword with large chakra reserves that could be a tail beast if it was a beast like Kisame the mist village should want that kind of sword since they have the 7 sword men of the mist of putting a big ass bounty on Sakumo for the sword hell lots of people when they realize how powerful it is going to want itXD poor Sakumo XDD
Luckyshot8 chapter 2 . 11/18/2018
Niiiiice I love it
Akira D. Ryusuke chapter 2 . 11/18/2018
Okay, so this story is pretty dang good. I love how the Si gets transformed into a sword and immediately decides to screw with the clan heads. It’s just beautiful. *whipes tear* I hope swordy convinces Sakumo not to commit suicide. Like, dude. You have a fraking son. A five year old son. Who is the only person you live with and has virtually no friends.
tact chapter 1 . 11/18/2018
keep it up i see you have tendence to drop fic fast let me tell you as a naruto si no one will give you a seond look if you dont have at least 20k word, or better summery remove crack discription from summery(unless you truly mean to go full bonker with story) it is off putting to some people

hope this motivate you and help you gain viewers
Luckyshot8 chapter 1 . 11/17/2018
At least they can bullshit alotXD and mess around
Ilit015 chapter 1 . 11/17/2018
This is... Interesing idea.