Reviews for My Hunter Academia
bastthecatgodess chapter 6 . 7/17
I don't know how you get salt for your story, personally I think you expressed Killua's character perfectly in your story. Especially with the way he thinks and interacts with people. This story is one of the few gems I've come across because of how amazing the writing is along with the plot and the pacing. It's so nice that each chapter is really drawn out and none of it has felt rushed at all! I've really enjoyed reading it so far, so wether you decide to drop it or not I'll probably re-read it again. Tbh I feel kinda inspired to write my own fic. I really love your originality and your take is much different than all the other one I've read! It's a really nice story!
bastthecatgodess chapter 1 . 7/17
I'm so happy I found your story! This is a masterpiece!
Minty220 chapter 6 . 7/17
I really enjoyed this chapter specifically. I have read A LOT of mha fan fiction and not once have I seen a writer actually bother writing a scene where the league of villains get confronted here. I love it. Seeing this scene play out makes me feel like the world functions without the cardboard cut outs of the og plot. It really feels like Killua’s presence affected the world. Shinso’s curiosity also sat very well with me because it really seems parallel to what we see in the show. The application of Nen in a world that doesn’t specify having Nen is difficult, but small bits like where Killua sees different heroes and students unknowingly use Nen is really cool. Killua having an actual reason for hanging out with Toga is also really appreciated because you actually thought out why. Killua is naturally pulled to people like Gon and one of those traits is acceptance. Seeing that in Toga is a sign of really good writing that takes a lot of thinking and planning to pull off. There are all these little tidbits that make this story top notch. I appreciate this story a huge amount and I’ld love to see if you continue it. Have a good day.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/15
Me encanta el como fluye la historia y la actitud de killua por que el esta inspirando a los que realmente parecen nesecitar mas de alguien y el como haces que en verdad veamos los temas cuestionables y hasta absurdos en una comunidad de super humanos
Estefana chapter 1 . 7/12
Ya por favor continúa, no te quedes en la mejor parte. No me dejes con la duda. Es cruel no continuar una historia tan buena como está. Es el mejor fanfic en donde muestran el lado más realista de Killua al ser parte de una familia de asesinos.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/12
Dead fic is dead. Time to delete from my bookmarks.
ShotoToshiro chapter 6 . 7/6
please update :c
Shiny Killua chapter 6 . 7/4
So this abandoned?
Guest chapter 6 . 7/1
ya son 10 meses prodria al menos dejar un mensaje pero igual esta bien
Gageel Redfox1 chapter 1 . 6/26
W1rath56 chapter 6 . 6/25
The fic is pretty good. I mean half the time all everyone does is gawk at how badass and powerful Killua is that nothing really gets done. Yeah, I get it its a Killua fic but does EVERYTHING have to revolve around him and him only?

Then anytime he uses a new ability he has to explain himself with cringey explanations like “lightning enhanced blah blah” and its just really weird to read.

It also would be even better if Killua wasn’t literally on Izuku’s back 24/7. He was literally there for every single important moment of his life that it feels like they are attached to the hip.

Also, everyone seems to feel entilted to an explanation and try and break down Killua’s abilities like its an episode of death battle. “He lifted a slab of rock with no effort so why tf can he not throw ball hard” things like thats gets annoying.

And Killua is so edgy always flashing his killing intent on anyone who even remotely threatens him. I feel like it should only be used on really desperate situations and not just as a damn class lesson.

All in all, 7/10
Goblin chapter 3 . 6/25
Gob*! So u mean to tell me no rape or pregnancy gob* disappointing! !
Gonlin chapter 1 . 6/25
Yea don't listen to them, but u should really get toga pregnant whith killua's child. That'll be interesting
Estefana chapter 6 . 6/23
Si es verdad que publicas cada 10 meses, no te presionó pero por favor no dejes la historia. Es una de las mejores que he leído y me encanta como pones a Killua, como se desenvuelve en un mundo nuevo que no conoce y las habilidades que maneja
, realmente espero poder ver el siguiente capítulo, si lo pones cada 10 o 9 meses significa que el siguiente lo subirás en julio o agosto verdad? Por favor hazlo los pronto que puedas, por dónde vivo el covib-19 ha hecho el cierre de muchos lugares y mi ciudad es el tercer lugar en nuevo de contagios, como no puedo salir las cosas que me divierten son pocas y entre ellas es continuar leyendo esta historia.
Estefana chapter 6 . 6/23
Realmente me encanta tu historia, se que ha pasado muchos meses desde que subiste el capítulo 6 pero en verdad quisiera que la continuarás, es increíble lo que has hecho y si es que la cancelaste o la públicas en otro lugar quiero leerla. Por favor espero puedas seguir. Saludos desde Ciudad Madero.
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