Reviews for The 12 Elements of AshMas, Volume 8
WhyareUsernamesTakenAlready chapter 12 . 6/9
This is weird I've never heard of this ships. Did you make them yourself? Also, i started on this Volume, since idk if you have others.
juaniu1994 chapter 1 . 6/10/2019
Have you ever include Jessie in one of these FanFictions? If not you should!
ng jun cheng chapter 12 . 6/5/2019
When will volume 9 come out? I am impressed with the oneshot stories that you wrote and is hoping that you will create more.
Sage of the Azure Phoenix chapter 11 . 3/21/2019

Some food for thought when the next volume comes around. Since Jessie seems to be the one who always is bossing/attacking James, instead of having James do nothing in some aspects like the Ash/Temacu you wrote, have him be spared, and get himself a girl for the holidays.
MasterBrattan chapter 7 . 3/1/2019
Okay, I've held my tongue long enough. Dude, you keep using sneering, but it's the wrong term to use.
John chapter 3 . 1/17/2019
This is a good chapter but Acerola's siblings already knew Ash before this chapter and also if Nanu had given him one of his Alolan Mewolths then he might have given Ash the Darkium Z after the Grand Trail since he would of had a Dark type and nice one Referenceing Haunter in this story and here are some ideas for the Electric chapter 1, Drastichshipping (Lena) 2, Lost Pikashipping (Lyn) 3, Backviewshipping (Solana) 4, Cinemativeshipping (Jean).
John chapter 12 . 1/14/2019
This is a good chapter so this chapter takes place between serie 1's end and the beginning of season 2 of Sun and Moon and nice one with Ash wondering how Team Rocket got back to Alola and here are some Ideas for future Steel type chapters 1, Piqueshipping (Sandra) 2, Wisheshipping (Genma) 3, Miki (Johto) 4 Savannah (Sandra's mum).
John chapter 11 . 1/7/2019
This is a good chapter but two things 1,This ship is called Skybattleshipping and 2, Her name is Moria you switched the I and R around but still good Andi wish she would of appeared again in the anime so she could see that Ash's Fletchinder had evolved into Talonflame and some more Skybattles could have gave Noibat so e more Development and if you do a fire type chapter for the next Volume here are some ideas 1, Childshipping (Molly Hale) since her connection to Entai 2, Victoryshipping (Marley) 3, Sidecartshipping (Officer Jenny) 4, Heroemergeshipping (Allegra).
Guest chapter 12 . 12/29/2018
Guest chapter 12 . 12/28/2018
Another good volume of the Twelve Elements of Ashmas. Best chapter for me was Ash/Melanie with Ash/Acerola close second.

Who I want to see in future volumes: Natalie, Solidad, Trinity, Miki, Katie, Britney, Nene, Liza from Mosdeep City, Erica from Hoenn, Marina from the Orange Islands, Cissy, Ada, Rihanna, Catlin, Ramona, Nowell (Dawn's friend), Lisa (Movie 3), Neesha (Movie 1), Allegra, Marnie J, Officer Jenny, Gail from the seconn Club tournament, Rebecca (Sinnoh coordinator, Brianna, Angela, DJ Mary, Cassandra, Rita & Nicole, and possibly Domino, Annie & Oakley, Commander Jupiter, Aliana, Bryony, Celosia, and Mary from PMC. (Pokémon Mystery Club.)
John chapter 10 . 12/27/2018
This is a good chapter nice that Oddis Evolved into a Gloom and that Bulbasaur got to visit his old home at last and the way Melanie reacted to that Accidentally kiss was abit like Hinata and here are ideas for the Flying Type chapter 1, Skybattleshipping (Moria) 2, Hollystockshipping (Holly) 3, WelcomeCustomshipping (Carol) 4, Backwardhatshipping (Maron) since they are both connected to Lugia.
Digifan303 chapter 12 . 12/26/2018
You too have q great holiday and new year's my friend
Time Knight Leo chapter 11 . 12/26/2018
Hello. Just thought I'd let you know that the Sky Trainer's name is misspelled. It's Moria, not Moira (you had the R and I mixed up).

Other than that, neat set of one-shots.
UltimateCCC chapter 12 . 12/26/2018
Speaking of New Years, you think the Alola Lady Trio or ALT have plans for a certain lightning cheeks trainer?
Northstar Pokeshipper chapter 12 . 12/26/2018
Um, you said over 100 girls were after Ash in 8 volumes, but for eight sets of twelve one shots, assuming that 1 girl is after him every chapter, that adds up to 96, which is not even 100. Do the math.
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