Reviews for fire and ice and the occasional wayward spell
Gguma030 chapter 4 . 7/16
when Ron said "oi" I did a mental breakdown
WanderingRutabaga chapter 2 . 7/11
Danny and Jake bonding is my new favorite thing
Snowthesprite chapter 6 . 7/7
Ahhh, meme culture
the-riverbend chapter 11 . 7/7
I knew it. I FUCKING knew it. DANNY IS A DISASTER BISEXUAL (at the very leeeast), and I could FEEEEEEL this coming FIVE CHAPTERS AGO in my DISASTER PANSEXUAL BOOOOOONNES.
Hoppy854 chapter 9 . 5/19
Jake has the Huntsclan, Danny has the Guys in White, who are a legitimate government group. Think Danny will ever talk about it? And then there’s also Jake’s evil doppelgänger and Danny’s future evil self. So many similarities.
Stormshadow13 chapter 11 . 4/29
Danny has a crush. So cute.

;I’ve the story. Great crossover.
Magikarp God chapter 11 . 4/25
This is one of the best fanfic I have ever read. Don't forget to drink water.
InfinitysWraith chapter 11 . 4/8
Wasn't expecting a romance, but I'm in to it.
Asarcasticchild chapter 11 . 4/6
yessssss. this is good.
DargeonDmaya chapter 11 . 4/4
This story made me ship them. I hope you're happy, because I'm totally blaming you.
Anyway, I was there when you wrote the first four chapters then I fell out of my hyperfixation on the secret trio and seriously, I feel so lucky that I came back today. Like ... Really ! I got to reread the chapters I knew and discover more and I'm loving every second of it.
You're an amazing writer and a gift to both the fandoms. Thank you very much for writing this story, I'm looking forward to new chapters who'll be probably even more awesome because the story is evolving, and at this point I don't know where we're going, but I LOVE it.
Thank you, you beautiful human being and amazing writer, for such a masterpiece.
ShadowPillow chapter 11 . 4/3
The gay awakening. This is great. They are such bros and I love their bro-hood, but this makes me happy. And feel vicarious anguish/hope on Danny's part. I really dunno how Jake would react. But I really look forward to seeing how you'll take this.

I don't know if I every said this before (I know I've been avidly reading this story, but can't remember properly what I reviewed), but this story is honestly fantastic. You capture emotion, flow, the ambient environment really well. Every sentence is clearly lodged in a perspective, and it's /context/ adds to the story, not just the content itself. For example, the long description of Jake in the sunlight, under golden sun. That was such a beautiful and direct way of showing Danny's attention, or lack of attention, and what he was thinking of in that moment, without the words "Danny thought" or anything like that. That clarity of writing, is honestly fantastic. Plus, you have a lot of good insights about people in here, that sort of slip in seemlessly and naturally.

And man, you can really make stuff funny. You have no idea how many times I have cackled reading this story.

Thanks for updating. Keep up the awesome work. :)
KorevainsoLightshire chapter 1 . 4/3
Well side from the somewhat OOCness and foul mouths this looks interesting.
KuriMaster13 chapter 11 . 4/3
Hey, references to Percy Jackson and HTTYD, nice. :)
KuriMaster13 chapter 10 . 4/3
YAY! Updates... good to see that you have the rest planned out. :)
Madrugada Sem Fim chapter 11 . 4/3
You know, this is a ray of sunshine in this quarantine. Thanks for the chapter. :)
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