Reviews for The savior sent by the gods
Guest chapter 4 . 9/29
A new thought had just occurred to me maybe give Sean something like the avatar state only instead of past avatars he gains the powers of all the Greek Gods like you did in you "High School DxD" fanfiction.
Gan315 chapter 1 . 9/27
hey see if you can add red hood to join him and his allies in the savior created by the god
Guest chapter 4 . 9/27
A thought had just occurred to me you said that your not going to kill Sokka off but you have something else planned for him does that mean he's going to betray them to the Fire Nation and tell them how to free the Titans because only the Titans could give them an advantage against Sean?
Guest chapter 4 . 9/23
"Or maybe we could punish them at home." Sean said.

"Hmm?" Zeus asked.

"I've been thinking. Fire Lord Sozin at one point took pride in the prosperity of his nation...Perhaps it is time to take away that prosperity. Make the lands poor for harvest the rivers to dry up and the land to become infected with disease to punish the Fire Nation for their actions." Sean said.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that. While it's true the Fire nation has caused harm...Not all are like these vile soldiers. And besides...It would take something very dramatic that we would have to punish them." Zeus said.

"They already destroyed the air benders what more is there?" Sean asked.

"The death of a important spirit." Zeus said before vanishing making him sigh.

I really hope that this doesn't mean that you'll end this story after one season because if Zeus does that the Fire Nation will be destroyed completely and the war would be over.
LoamyCoffee chapter 4 . 9/21
Oh yes, the goddess of Love adding to the Harem for Sean. Oh boy is he gonna be surprised.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/21
Can you also give us a forecast(for lack of a better term) of what episodes that your going to do?
Guest chapter 4 . 9/21
Sorry I accidentally hit post before I finished writing.

Upgrade Katara's body soon. Also post the next chapter of this story for your next update because I want to see the lemon. Also force Sokka to watch Sean and Katara having sex to torture him.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/21
"Congratulations. Your face scared someone off." Sokka said grinning making her glare.

"At least she isn't a sexist who got tied to a pole." Sean said making him growl in rage while she grinned. (He makes it too easy you know?)\

Guest chapter 4 . 9/21
"Do I really have to save him? It would be simpler to let him be consumed in that rock." Sean said making Katara burst out laughing while Sokka roared in rage. (To My Loyal Guest No I am not gonna kill Sokka off. but I do have something else in mind for later)

I hope it's funny.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/21
And since then the group had been traveling around and ended up in Omashu and met one of Avatar Aang's old friends Bumi who shockingly was actually still alive and the king. (I was going to do that episode but I decided to do this one instead since it had more action in it)

I guess so.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/21
Finally time for the best.
God of the Challenge chapter 4 . 9/21
That old guy was the real villain in the series.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/21
I'm saving this for last.
teamwalkingdead chapter 1 . 9/21
great story
naruto11222 chapter 4 . 9/21
Great job man
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