Reviews for Over-soul (Undertale X Overlord)
Uros chapter 54 . 5/14
magnifique histoire a quand la suite je suis tres fan
Juez Supremo chapter 16 . 3/26
Great story, but i think you make many grammar mistakes.
Albirmsam chapter 54 . 3/23
Is Over-Soul Dead? I really hope i can keep reading this
Guest chapter 54 . 1/6
Ignore the previous guest as they seemed to have undergone brain surgery that went horribly wrong and instead has been replaced with a black hole of stupidity. Continue with the story to the best of your ability, assholes like them do not control what you enjoy to do. Keep up the great work.
Bobby chapter 54 . 12/31/2019
Happy New Year
Guest chapter 8 . 12/25/2019
Fuck you ya dumbass cunt. I think I speak for everyone out there who knows your story is just a reason to shit on good manga and anime such as overlord. Undertale is full of cancer, grow up.
flowey the flour chapter 54 . 12/17/2019
have flowey absorb some souls and then let him do a perfect omega form to stop something because you cant have an imperfect omega flowey without its ROOTS.
ShinGodzilla chapter 54 . 12/14/2019
Lupis not only got sexually mocked, embarrassed in front of her allies, got into a fit of rage, couldn’t even hit said mocker once, and finally got basically bitch slapped and went crashing in a villager house and the village walls.
And this is not even the first time something similar happened to her. She had been taken hostage, experimented on, beat down, mocked some more, and again got her ass handed to her.
Lupis has the worst luck in the world it seems, it’s like the whole world is against her lol.
By all means keep up the good work
Metaspin37 chapter 54 . 12/14/2019
Spook-meister is like a Troll, basically screwing people over while mocking them in their misery in a comedic tone. Poor Sebas has to deal with him like all the time and it’s funny how Sebas always gets pissed off around him.

It’s like when Lord Touchme annoys the crap out of Ulbert and how Ulbert gets pissed off about. Now Sebas knows how it feels to be really annoyed. Can’t wait for the next chapter to come up
Nintendoplayer chapter 54 . 12/14/2019
Been awhile since I read this story and it’s still good. We need more chapters as soon as possible.
Kingsman568 chapter 54 . 12/14/2019
Thanks for the chapter
Guest chapter 54 . 12/8/2019
Please do not listen to the previous guest as they are not invested in your story and only criticize to hate. We can clearly see you are trying your best; keep up the great work, I throughly enjoy this story very much. I look forward to the war and the spooks plans all coming together.
Guest chapter 6 . 12/7/2019
-dialogue and action are forced and unnatural

-multiple spelling and grammar mistakes


-forces me to cringe
UniqueAccountName chapter 53 . 11/10/2019
Glad to see a new chapter, I'm always pleased to see more of this story. As for Albedo's older sister, I forgot her name but yeah she's pretty damn tough, I'd love to see her and the Double go at it. I might actually wanna do some rereading so I remember the power levels for everyone in this story, it gets updated rarely so my memory on that is kind of hazy. This is completely random, but I just had the idea of Flowey absorbing human souls and becoming Omega Flowey in the future, or maybe even Asriel, I think I just had that thought because I was talking about power levels, and those two are ridiculously strong, I mean I obviously don't want this to be a complete stomp story for the Undertale side, but considering how much I love Undertale, having OP characters from the verse is always welcomed to me, lol.
Guest chapter 52 . 11/1/2019
How are you?
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