Reviews for Bonds Through Time: The Adventures of Inuyasha and Kagome
Miss Elyon chapter 134 . 3h
I love the way you rewrote the saga giving the characters more breadth and highlight their emotions !

Kagome has to summon her inner She-ha's powers and get out of this (One of the things that killed me the most while I was watching the saga was not taking advantage of her powers)

I honestly loved the part that Naraku captured Kagome, it makes a lot more sense than taking the Kiki-bitch.

So, dear Kagome, summon your She-ha, He-man, Jedi, Time Lady, Pegasus Meteor, Inner Sailor Moon and get out of it because your friends need you !

See you soon!
Talawolfgirl chapter 134 . 8/25
Oh man this is getting intense keep up the good work I hope they get outta this jam.
Dark Serafina chapter 134 . 8/25
No! Not a cliff hanger! What's going to happen next? Is that Inuyasha's nightmare Kagome shooting him? Or is that really Kagome? I'm anxious to see the next chapter!
hnnwnchstr chapter 134 . 8/24
aaaaaahhhhh !

no noooo
why did you ended it in there!?

are we gonna see Arashi's and Kirara's nigthmares too?!

waaaaahhh i need more
Layla347 chapter 134 . 8/24
Love it :)
silverhawk88 chapter 44 . 8/23
I remember how shocked I was of this moment!
silverhawk88 chapter 5 . 8/20
Lol! My favorite sit moment is when he is making fun of that fake mojo, and he is way up in the air when she says sit and the noise he makes when he gets pulled down is hilarious and to top that all off, he falls on the fake miko!
Talawolfgirl chapter 133 . 8/20
Oh boy what does Naraku have planed well whatever it is Inuyasha better find her and fast. Keep up the good work
hnnwnchstr chapter 133 . 8/19
Dark Serafina chapter 133 . 8/19
Wow that was a quick update. Damn Kikyou was really brutal to Inuyasha blaming him for what happened to her. I'm soo anxious to see what Naraku will do to Kagome.
Layla347 chapter 133 . 8/19
Nicely done :)
Layla347 chapter 132 . 8/18
Just when you think he can’t get any creepier.
hnnwnchstr chapter 132 . 8/18
* screams like a velociraptor *
Dark Serafina chapter 132 . 8/18
Whoa! I so did not expect a quick update! I like how Kikyou was powerless against Naraku and that Kagome is more of a threat to Naraku than she is.
Kaiju Alpha chapter 17 . 8/17
I like how you combined the anime with the manga.
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