Reviews for Cuddle Lock
WearyCurmudgeon chapter 1 . 1/4
- Story
An amusing story?

A very Jaune like story?

So what's the problem?
Jaune and family used to go camping in Shiori, which is located in Mistral. So the whole surprise at the temperature bit seems weird.

Plus Saffron and Terra live in Argus, which is Pyrrha's hometown, which if he's visited his sister at all before (which I suspect he has, as I can't shake the feeling that Adrian is his through IVF*), makes the surprise at the temperature again kinda weird.

*: Jaune's sperm, Terra's egg, Saffron's womb, as Terra seems to be the breadwinner of the family and Adrian looks way too much like her to not be biologically related. So Saffron carrying him to term to further cement her own bond with the kid, as the stay at home housewife (possibly novelist) seems fairly plausible.


So yeah, more a pesky detail kinda blasting me out of my SoD issue over all.

Doesn't dilute that the story is both technically sound, quite in character and quite amusing in general.

- Potshots
As for your NTR sniping, my main issue is that far too often the stories aren't properly tagged or have a warning in the summary so we can avoid them.

(If they do that, than I can ignore them, unless the author gets too vitriolic in responses and justifying poor treatment of other characters because it would hurt the one they hate, in which case counter plot bunnies get bred. Like say a Pyrrha getting offended at Weiss trying to seduce her, when they're both married and then deciding to steal away Ruby so she can be added to her and Jaune's relationship instead. Technically netori rather than netorare, *shrugs* but that's kinda like NTR'ing Zeus. Person in question was asking for it with their bad behaviour to others )

Gotten suckered into one too many NTR due to improper tagging and it's like watching a car pileup in slow motion. You know you should look away and not stare at the wrecked vehicles and mangled bodies, but that's easier said than done and leaves you feeling nauseous at the end of it.

That's how I experience it anyway though.

DinoGuy2000 chapter 1 . 3/14/2019
Heh. Definitely one of the better ways to die. Very amusing.

Nice work!
Harmonious Arkos Sloth chapter 1 . 2/10/2019
Beautiful. I laughed way too much at this. Heh. It could almost be an omake sequel of sorts to Product Placement, which I should really finish soon. Thanks for writing this beautiful piece of Arkos goodness. I needed it!
WonderDildo chapter 1 . 12/13/2018
Why did i read this as Jaune being short and Pyrrha as a bull faunus?
Rakkis3059 chapter 1 . 12/8/2018
This was fun. I am impressed you managed to make it this long
Kerlongsj Evert Orlejov chapter 1 . 12/8/2018
Hum, this is strangely familiar. I have read certain points of this plot before. Not to mention the nods to certain other Spartans who refer to younger males as Boy. Luckily for Jaune, Pyrrha's mom likes him enough to prevent her husband from killing him. As for the whole thing about NTR, damn straight. It has been a while since I found anything close to it and Arkos and I hope I can keep it that way. Talk about sore losers in one way or another.
It was funny to see how Jaune got something and he should perhaps change in something else and one thing is for damn sure. He won't die as a virgin. Good thing that Pyrrha had some regards to her boyfriend.
merendinoemiliano chapter 1 . 12/8/2018
Both sad and lovely
AlexSakurai chapter 1 . 12/8/2018
Awwww... *cough* you hadn't heard anything.
Absolutely cute. Cuteness overload.
Also, I fully agree with your opinion about the NTR writers. It's damn disgusting.
jujihanji chapter 1 . 12/8/2018
i believe satan's daughter deserved some love. been waiting for that to come out for a while
jujihanji chapter 1 . 12/8/2018
honestly tht summary scared me but i believed in you to deliver a great arkos story, gj mate