Reviews for Vixen
sapphicwarrior17 chapter 1 . 5/13
KagamiPINKAgreste chapter 1 . 12/12/2018
You know I HATE CLUMSINETTE and LOVE Lila. Yea I could read Lila/Marinette fanfic, it's interesting. But MARICHAT will FUREVER be my PURROUD OBSESSION! Adrien/Lila are cute people because they can. But the ship shouldn't be bashed that verbally.

Lila is a sneaky, sly and sweet vixen. ;) Clumsinette did kinda suffer before submitting to Lila. Clumsinette calling Adrien a traitor and following puppy! (Glares Darkly at Her) That girl deserves suffering in any form paw-issble!