Reviews for Geese Howard's Festivus Celebration
Guest chapter 1 . 4/19
Hellsink Bathhall chapter 2 . 12/25/2018
Correction. Terry says the "Are you Okay" line when he performs his Buster Wolf DM and not the Power Geyser. I do not even know how he can even hit himself with the Buster Wolf. So Geese Howard wanted to host a roasting session with his enemies, but it would appear that the tables have turned as almost none of them were offended. However man were his insults and complaints very much accurate and truthful. Many criminals are not exactly that intelligent or else they wouldn't turn towards a life of crime. Geese,Billy and the likes are the exceptions, not the majority.

The only insult that did bother me was everybody ganging up to slut shame Mai Shrianui. It has nothing to do with the whole #Metoo movement or being an obnoxious white knight. She may dress in very skimpy clothes and act flirtatious, but it is not like Mai is trying to fuck every single dude or gal she encounters. Although she should knock it off with her obsession with Andy Bogard. Can't she take a hint that he doesn't love her back? Ditto to Kensou with his own sick obsession with his teammate Athena.

Joe could do a whole lot better than dating Billy's sister. I mean sure there is the whole appeal of screwing around with your arch nemesis's sister But if that is really the only reason Joe cares about her then that is a shitty thing for him to be doing.

King and Ryo obviously have the hots for each other. They need to stop acting like kids and get together.

At this rate as much I utterly detest yaoi,Kensou and Andy should hook up instead or better yet screw around with other women.

Leona let Geese and Ryo have it. If Ryo didn't back off,he might have been sent to a hospital or worse a morgue depending on wither his male pride would allow him to think straight and do the wise thing in not pushing the envelope.

Who knew Geese watched Top Gun and remembered that infamous volleyball scene? Personally though while hilarious at the assumption he brought up,I never did Ralf and Clark in that light. What's wrong with some good old bromance.

It's way too late to be complaining about bringing weapons into the King Of Fighters tournaments.

Interesting how Mai can get away with molesting Andy when he did not give his consent.

So much sick burns left and right being toss around but I have to say Robert and Geese's little spat is right up with there as to how to respond to a diss being directed right at you. Kim being a close second.

I did find it utterly baffling though when Geese acknowledge the pitiful competition. Street Fighter is no longer a worthy rival to King Of Fighters.

Mai should have followed Athena's footsteps and asked Andy to help her set up a Tinder profile.

Despite my complaints though,you did write here a non traditional and unexpected holiday fan fictions that was a blast to read and kept me entertained with the banter,comedy, and snark.

I am also an atheist too, but oh well nothing wrong with celebrating the holidays with family and friends.
Hellsink Bathhall chapter 1 . 12/24/2018
Seinfeld you say? I am not really in those kind of cheesy sitcoms. Geese Howard's own version of celebrating the holidays is going to be a really something special. Besides Geese Howard inviting a whole bunch of his enemies to Geese Tower,the other biggest shocker is insisting on dressing casually.

So far though,I am enjoying the sharp and accurate banter going between then fighters while they to figure out what Geese has in store for them. I checked to be extra sure and yes that is correct. According to the SNK wikia, there is a quote from Art of Fighting 2 where King states she is a vegan and does not want food with meat in it. Ryo will take to the like of Olive Garden and other restaurants where they have plenty of options for vegetarians. It's been many years since I last watched Fatal Fury: The Animated Movie. Thanks for pointing out how one can find an image to see what it looks like.

True that. I haven't seen Clue. I don't think it is my type of movie though.

I noticed that with you bringing up a real life condition that can occur to those who spend way too much time staring at a computer screen for countless hours on end without any break in between.

Terry, Robert, and Ryo should hook up with their significant others.
jojoDO chapter 2 . 12/23/2018
That was every bit, EVERY BIT as epic as I could have imagined. Seriously, I never wanted it to end. The grievances seemed to just get better and better, and I was always anticipating the next one after the one I just read. Seriously, it was a shame when it finally ended. That was SO much fun. You've brought a real holiday classic to the KoF fandom, just like Illy with her historic Thanksgiving special. This is the Christmas special, for sure.

As far as breaking down the grievances one by one... good lord, I could go on forever. The Mai segments had me dying with laughter. I just LOVE it when the girl has no shame and is willing to lay it all out for the world to see, all for the sake of wooing Andy. And of course, that wimp just gets flustered by it. Classic xD

Leona particularly had me rolling. I was NOT expecting her to be the way she was, haha. It seemed like she was actually ENCOURAGING Geese's lunacy, whereas everyone else was pretty much hating his guts. When she actually went along with that part about Ralf and Clark... my jaw dropped xD awesome work with her.

It's awesome how many relationships Geese addressed: King x Ryo, Athena x Kensou, Mai x Andy... and he just laid his cards on the table and gave them the cold, hard facts. They ALL have got problems. King and Ryo are too awkward, Kensou and Athena is too onesided, and Andy and Mai... just... good god, where to begin with that one. Geese put it in words better than I ever could. Hehe.

I guess at this point I should just go ahead and address the finale. I would keep going on about the Grievances, but seriously I could go on forever and waste your time lol. Anyways, that climax was INSANE. I was not expecting them to give it back to Geese tenfold... but they damn sure did. At least you kept it lighthearted and didn't KILL the poor guy when he fell out of his tower for the umpteenth time. That was a nice touch :)

In closing, I just want to say this: this story delivered. Like I said, I was waiting all week in anticipation of the day you'd finally publish this, and the wait was oh so worth it. I enjoyed this so much. I only wish Geese could have laid into every SNK character in the whole universe... but that's asking too much for a human being haha.

Excellent work on this, Rob. You continue to dish out masterpieces of epic word count. Happy holidays, and Happy Festivus!
jojoDO chapter 1 . 12/23/2018
HAPPY FESTIVUS! It's so awesome to finally see this story come to fruition! I've been anticipating this all week, I kid you not. I was counting down the days until RobertCop would unleash his holiday masterpiece, and here it is. And so far... it delivered.

As far as the inevitable character introduction chapter goes, this was as good as it possibly gets. You picked an awesome cast of beloved characters, and you did them all justice as always. Mai is her usual sexually hilarious self, and poor Andy gets dragged around by his long golden mane. Mary is her usual tomboyish, tough-as-nails style. Her and Terry couldn't be more perfect together. You painted a perfect Iori: perpetually scowling, always with an angry outburst at the ready. Chang and Choi gave me some laughs, and I LOVED how you had them dressing for this occasion. Especially Chang losing the beard, holy shite.

I loved the interactions with Geese's boys, especially how they seem to be just as in the dark about this as the guests are. Although I'm not familiar with Hein, you did make him out as that amusing butler type. Always composed, always stiff like a British sentry xD and seeing the contrast from Billy, Hopper, Yamazaki made it even more amusing.

...Oh my god Yamazaki. He MADE this chapter xD I'm so glad you put him in there carving the turkey, because that was too damn perfect. Seriously, kudos to you for knowing exactly where to put these characters. Perfection.

Oh I know what dress you're talking about, haha. Hm, I could have sworn it was purple tho... was that the one that masked narcissist guy fired a laser at and caused it to disintegrate?

I MUST continue. I have to finish this tonight, because I am so damn eager to read the Airing of Grievances. I don't care if it takes me all night, I must read it!
illyrilex chapter 2 . 12/23/2018
Omg. I don't know what to say, except that I'm, like, super flattered that my nonsensical Thanksgiving piece inspired you to write this one, which was great! Seinfeld, Clue, Sunglasses At Night... this fic was an absolute delight to read. It's a little on the long side, but that's okay; the only reason that really sticks out to me is because of this goddamn cold I'm nursing, but I digress.

I seem to be at a loss for words to finish up this review in a coherent manner. All I can say is great job, dude! And, you're welcome for the inspiration ;)
LordryuTJ chapter 2 . 12/23/2018
As for the story - well, it's as chaotic as I expected from a cast of characters such as the King of Fighters. I live for this shit.
LordryuTJ chapter 1 . 12/23/2018
struggling to write more than 2K words on a single chapter
fellow author posts a story that's 19K words between two chapters

I feel I'm gonna need to get typin'.
RinoaDestiny chapter 2 . 12/23/2018
Heh. This entire premise is fun as hell. Who doesn't love the Festivus episode from Seinfeld? To combine it with Geese throwing a bash for the big names in the KoF-verse is a stroke if genius. Got a lot of fun seeing the personalities clash. You've got some strong voices for the characters here and the snark between couples and rivals is great entertainment. My favorite had to be Geese airing his grievances with the canon couples of KoF - that was a hoot to read. Also, loved the fourth wall break in Chapter 1, because har! XD

Really loved Leona in this one. She's terrific. Loved that Geese couldn't get a rise out of her, haha. Awesome.
Rex Madison chapter 2 . 12/23/2018
Well, I'm still having trouble with a proper review. So I figure I'll ramble some more now, instead of telling myself I'll come back later then never getting in the mood to. (And if I do, I'll post it as a guest, lol.)

You might've just saved fandom for me, dude. It's just like any other holiday story: I got so caught up in the bullshit - writing reviews, keeping up with stories, trying to "network" with people - that I'd forgotten that this stuff's supposed to be FUN. This fic reminded me of that in a big, big way, presenting me with (nearly) all my favorite characters and showing me why they were favorites in the first place. You covered all the major plot points, showed everybody at their best (and worst), and even knocked Geese out of his tower again. If that's not a holiday tradition in the making, I don't know what is :)

So again, thank you. Never has a 19K-word fic gone by so quickly, and I'm not sure I've ever been happier reading one. And since I'm feeling jolly right now, my apologies to Nano, Rinoa and Yurichan for my little digs in the last review. ANY time's a good time for your fics - but this was the PERFECT time for THIS one.

Happy Festivus, everyone!
Rex Madison chapter 1 . 12/23/2018
Okay, I've gotta say this: THANK YOU. This is exactly what this fandom needs right now - not Kyori playing video games, not Athena choosing a different path of love, and CERTAINLY not Terry getting stoned and beating up wildlife. Just a good ol' fashioned holiday fic, where all our favorite series regulars get together and just BANTER. Doesn't matter that it's not the Christmas holiday, either - that just makes things more fun :)

This's a thing of beauty, man. Too long as usual, but all of it's great ;) I'm not gonna spoil it for myself by constructing a proper review (at least not yet), but I just had to thank you for this. Thank you, thank you, THANK you.