Reviews for Just Too Popular
X59 chapter 1 . 1/10
This was hilarious and I just loved that Ed was able to help Selim.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28/2019
Snerk. Oh my god. The moment when Hoenheim mentioned all those souls that had been trapped in his body, and that growing realization of what that meant, right as Ed was figuring it out- it's so glorious when there's such a buildup to a punchline like that, and one I didn't see coming at all until that ending. Once again you have made me laugh, and even cackle as I imagine poor Ed being swarmed by all those people in the afterlife. Hehheheh.

The only thing that's funnier to imagine would be that moment when Al passes away, and Ed gleefully and with desperate relief pointing over to him and saying something like "Oh hey look over there, that's Al my younger brother, you all remember him, right? I bet he'd /love/ to talk with you all, and reminisce about all those times he was so cute and adorable. You guys should all go over there to greet him right now!". And then as soon as the hoards of people all look towards Al, he runs away as fast as he can. He doesn't look back even as Al is standing there all confused and yelling after Ed why is he running away? Who are these people ? What is going on? Ed just yells back "It's /your/ turn now" and cackles with mad glee. Al begins to look horrified and betrayed once the cooing and fan girl squealing starts, and then feels absolute terror at the sheer amount of people descending upon him. Perhaps he also yells out a "nooooo" as they mob him.

(Ed eventually comes back to rescue his brother. He makes it up to Al by getting him some ttime to reunite with just Trisha and Hoenheim, and then later showing him the section of the afterlife with all the cute cats, kittens, and other adorable animals. Al somewhat forgives him after the heartwarming reunion with all the pets he's had over the years.)

(When Winry passes away, she gets mobbed by her own fans- fans of her amazing skills as an automail mechanic. Everybody who's gotten automail from her wants to thank her.)

(When Mustang passes away, Ed asks what took you so long you Bastard? I was beginning to think you were going to live forever. Roy just smirks and says of course your lifetime was /shorter/ than mine- the life reflects the person, after all. Ed begins to rant and rave about being called a little speck no bigger than a flea, or something like that.)
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 6/10/2019
Luzrov Rulay chapter 1 . 3/10/2019
Brilliant! I kept grinning through the whole story. Honestly, I was searching for heavy-hearted fanfics, but I just had to click on this one since it was too interesting to just pass by. Great job on this one, very entertaining!
NOTshort chapter 1 . 12/25/2018