Reviews for Need You Now
Sliver of Melody chapter 3 . 4/19
I love Crowley... and this chapter was awesome
Guest chapter 3 . 4/14
Good story hope you update
Qorianth Grindelwald chapter 3 . 3/25
Harry your being suspicious! They're going to think you possessed or a demon! Shut up Harry!
SallyBranden chapter 1 . 3/12
ya, I agreed with the previous review make Sam work for it. on another note good story and thank you for the last chapter .
llLittle Sll chapter 3 . 1/22
Plz, tell me Sev isn't just going to forgive him, without there being some kind of discussion or argument, because Sam fucked up. I mean, I want them to be together, but I don't think in real life it would be so easy since Sam did just leave and left Harry behind for 3 years and then it was Harry who reached out, not Sam, cause he is a biiiiitch
Metal book of the Scotsbear chapter 3 . 1/12
Wow, I really didn't think I would like this story as much as I do. I eagerly await more of it to read soon. Thanks, good luck.
Kit chapter 3 . 1/9
About time. I was almost afraid this one was a lost cause. I can just see their reactions even stronger if crowley or hermione shows up mid explanation. You are an awesome writer. Please continue
YaoiLovinKitsune chapter 3 . 1/9
I love this so much. Like so so much. Has the “I lost my shoe” happened yet? If not I really want Sev to see that because Sam was like a little dejected puppy in that scene.
Ariesp19 chapter 3 . 1/8
Oh sweeeeet thanks for an update!
DarkRavie chapter 3 . 1/8
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
Dark Neko 4000 chapter 3 . 1/8
What will happen next time
niyuu chapter 3 . 1/8
Harry will kick Sam's ass. He'll kick Dean's ass. He'll kick his own ass. He's agitated and not picky
orionastro chapter 3 . 1/8
a very good new chapter, so good it's back, let's see when they will become boyfriends again , and the curse on Sam removed, can hardly wait for the next chapters.
orionastro chapter 2 . 9/16/2019
amazing story so far, i love the pairing , i hope you can update soon . can hardly wait for the next chapters .
hotcat chapter 2 . 7/26/2019
great start
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