Reviews for Retribution
Tawnya chapter 4 . 6/3
I'm so hooked, please continue.
Eyum daRelmera chapter 4 . 1/31
I've really enjoyed this story so far. I can see that you're still writing others, and I hope you find the inspiration to continue this one. I would love to see it concluded!
Heerah chapter 4 . 8/23/2019
Love the trilogy so far. Hope you update soon as this story has me hooked.
VegasGranny chapter 4 . 6/9/2019
well, background/sub-plot is a necessary evil to the story line, so putting it here where it won't gum up the action chapters works.
Although, I am trying to figure out who the "golden eyed second shadow figure" is that's talking to the first one (who I realized is Loki, because of the reference to his three sons). I'm wondering if the second one is a Prince of Hell, plotting to take over heaven...
Can't wait to find out!
(and love how Lucifer just rolled into the White House, took over the operation, and "partnered" with the President. Such a scamp)
ladygreytowers chapter 2 . 1/9/2019
okay really liking the sequel so far.
ca 't wait for the next update.
VegasGranny chapter 2 . 1/8/2019
Love seeing Michael and Lucifer working together. Things are looking up.
Crowley's figured out what's going on with the angels on earth - that's going to get interesting.
Now I'm worried about Gabriel - no, no, no! Don't let anything bad happen to our Lollipop!
VegasGranny chapter 1 . 12/27/2018
Loved seeing Gabriel go all Loki and what he did with Lady Bevill. Kinda outed himself as Gabriel at the end to Mick though. That may come back to bite him