Reviews for The Lengths We Must Go To
Grannster10 chapter 2 . 5/24
i love it when i find an actual good fanfic to read
The 0bservanc3 chapter 11 . 3/29
You also stated earlier that this cordyceps strain was still learning the best way to infect and spread through humans. There’s probably a few different strains right now that are trying to figure out which way to work. Some chose spit or body fluids, others spores that can get into food or air. Eventually we know both will become dominant in a single strain, but for now maybe Mrs arc has hope? If she’s just got a normal infection that medicine can treat, there’s hope right? Right?

This black veins don’t leave me with much confidence though...
ehbon172 chapter 11 . 3/29
Heyoooo, new chapter yay. And his mom getting chomped on is rough, especially because she’s bringing it into their home regardless of whether or not she turns.
hellfire45 chapter 11 . 3/28
Good chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next and how other people who were bitten didn’t turn so I hope Claire doesn’t
Phantom Thief Sanj-oker chapter 11 . 3/28
First, amazing chapter as always. Knowing that there's some sort of contagion phase that hasn't been fully showed off, yet? That is suspenseful and awesome! Second, when I saw that I was being referred to in the notes... I had two reactions. The first was to squee, because of course I'd squee to have someone reference me in their story. The second reaction was "Oh god, I'm so embarrassed!" Keep being awesome, and know that we WILL get through this time, all of us.
Lightning Lord Kaji chapter 11 . 3/28
Hm would this qualify as eye of the storm or tension building? I’m thinking tension building at least on the readers part.

Wonder how bad things are going to hit the fan now.
Bomberguy789 chapter 1 . 3/28
You know, it's a bit of a shame with these zombie movies and what not. Is it truly impossible to go back to the good old days when zombies actually rose from the dead, cemetery and all, because of a magic curse? I feel like that was a simpler time, when you couldn't debunk the entire apocalypse with the simple things such as "if they're that slow then the wild animals would kill them" or "it doesn't matter if they're fast, if they don't put on new clothes then they'll die of frostbite in the winter."

The story looks nice though.
GumGumOnigiri chapter 11 . 3/28
I always liked the idea of some people being immune while still being infectious like in 28 weeks later. Adds another layer of uncertainty to everything.
underdogking chapter 11 . 3/28
hoo boy...
Phantom Thief Sanj-oker chapter 10 . 3/27
Any idea when the next chapter is coming out? You said a few weeks, and it's been a while. Really hoping we get more soon. This is a GREAT series! Keep it up!
Lightning Lord Kaji chapter 10 . 1/24
Another eye of the storm chapter I see or maybe buildup is the better phrase. Can’t wait to see how this blows up.
hellfire45 chapter 10 . 1/24
Good chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next and it is good the three made it to the house
ehbon172 chapter 10 . 1/23
Aw sleepy Yang ruining Jaune’s moment there lol. Glad the poor girl’s get some sleep, though Jaune could probably do without the extra time brooding. No amount of sitting there and being upset is gonna help anyone.

A bit confused as to his reaction when he saw Yang, is he for some reason feeling guilty that he can be happy when members of his family are in danger? If so that stupid and Yang should smack him until he knows that. If he doesn’t let himself relax when the opportunity presents itself he’s gonna explode like a frozen can of soda.
Rogue-eL chapter 10 . 1/23
Ruby’s infected noooooo! Oh well we needed someone from the main cast to die.
Gh0stSpartan chapter 10 . 1/23
You had me at Dragonslayer my dude. Your 2nd idea sounds pretty cool.
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