Reviews for Invincible
LtsHrIt4ThBoyz chapter 11 . 7/20
You keep making me cry!

Btw, we half-way believed 2012, but I kept thinking what if the translators got the translations wrong? What if the actual date is supposed to 12/21/21? Or even 12/22/21? I guess we'll find out. ;D

Sad but good story!
MelJ :D
RngrThorne chapter 32 . 7/10
Quite an enjoyable read. Thank you for sharing.
Nyumun chapter 33 . 6/23
No dormi leyendo esta historia, demasiado buena!
Guest chapter 33 . 6/20
Your stories are gripping, thrilling tales. I very much enjoyed this one. Well done.
Duellist chapter 33 . 6/17
Like, very much. Thank you!
dhawks69 chapter 4 . 6/14
i don't care about the previous reviews. this is great. nothing has to be scientifically perfect. this is FICTION. how I wish magic is real and I am a witch. I'm on chapter 4 and this is awesome. I can't wait to see where the story goes.
Bearmauls chapter 18 . 6/9
Pregnant Hermione is kinda a mess
cckeimig chapter 2 . 6/7
“ Happy 2019. Let's hope we survive it.”
Well, we did, but 2020...

This is intriguing so far!
stylo1 chapter 31 . 6/2
if muggles cant handle magic what would happen if a mage and a muggle have sex?
funny how no one ever talks of rescuing the muggles fron earth.
and really the sollution is living on a cilinder on space?
there are 50k mages, that should be more then enough to start a new population no? yet for some reason you keep insisting to join with the muggles. it seems rather forced.
religion and prophecy both subjects that deteriorate the brain and promote violence and it happens to be you focal point of your story. it is the reason i could never bring myself to watch bsg or read your final chapters.

story is very well written but the plot was not all that great
stylo1 chapter 7 . 6/2
the trunk of newt scamander didnt need artificial gravity, yet that trunk was tossed around in all directions. so why does your ship need it? expanded areas are pocket space, space not connected to the outside.
a bubblehead charm gives oxygen yet they make trees to help them.
if a small space can be expanded hunderds of times and a big space only about 50 then why not build many small spaces to expand?

i think you are wasting a potential magical sollutions
stylo1 chapter 2 . 6/2
*sigh* the entire premise of your story is wrong. earths magnetic field protects the world from solar radiation, if the sun is acting up and penetrating this and killing magicals why would the solution be to leave this protected field and take it head on?
if you can create such radiation shielding you could do the same on earth.
if the radiation will heath up the core of the earth and start erupting volcano's then the obvious solution would be to set them off in a controlled way. impossible for muggles but with magic? this would take off the pressure and thus no tsunamis or massive ash clouds
Olegreyowl chapter 31 . 5/28
The math for the surface area is a bit off. However if you change it to 60 klicks long and 2.5 klicks in diameter you get that "just under 1000 sq km" you're looking for.
Bearmauls chapter 33 . 5/23
That was awesome. My favourite story of yours, I think :)
Daniel Huffman1 chapter 21 . 5/22
I have been waiting for these two peoples to meet. I am enjoying this a lot thank you for writing it.
Wulfkin17 chapter 33 . 5/21
Awesome, but the names in this chapter alone were all over on the misspellings. Otherwise, fantastic story!
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