Reviews for Another Auld Lang Syne
natters chapter 1 . 10/12/2019
Good fic
WeBuiltThePyramids chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
Because I totally didn't get an alert from this site about this fic, and because I have the observational skills of a newborn infant, I never saw it until now.

On the humor side, I love the "if the universe was fair, the bitch would've tripped." I feel this, Paige. I feel this very hard. And then him telling her he wrote a song about her ass but "Happy wouldn't let me sing it to you." I'm howling.

On the emotional side, OH this was lovely. Other than Florence moving away, that makes my little heart sad, but eh, this is a Waige fic, I can deal with it. I can just imagine this happening. I can picture the atmosphere, the expressions, the tone. What I wouldn't give to have seen a scene like this.
musiqueismyjam1041 chapter 1 . 1/16/2019
OMG that was perfect!
Joan123 chapter 1 . 1/4/2019
Yes, a sweet beginning of the new year! The beautiful thing is that when two people truly care about each other, things can be fixed with a blink of an eye. And that's probably what would have happened on the show. I'm still not entirely over the fact that we'll never going to the see the reconciliation on screen. Thank you, though, for making it easier by sharing your imagination with us!
MetalKyria chapter 1 . 12/31/2018
OMG! This was SO GOOD to read . Perfect picture
Thank you, for making my New years eve shine a bit
Happy new year
Margaret Gautier chapter 1 . 12/31/2018
His is a funny, cute, and sweet chapter. A beautiful way to bring in 2019, Waige bringing in 2019. I loved this chapter
WriterFreak001 chapter 1 . 12/30/2018
Awwwww I loved this! Thank you. :)
dS-Tiff chapter 1 . 12/30/2018
This is one of the best fix-its I've read! I've always hoped the break-up wouldn't have lasted this long, but if it did this feels like exactly the way they would have got themselves back together. When they finally get to talk the apologising is simple, but effective from both of them and that feels just right after this many months.

I love that you show the team have already begun to reunite themselves and I especially love that you have Walter staying in contact with Ralph. I think Paige's explanation for her behaviour and how she never expected it to play out they way they did feels very realistic - it has always seemed to me that everything just got out of hand on that day and in the following days and weeks until no one knew how to go back.

I'm so glad that we are all keeping the story of these wonderful characters alive into 2019. Happy New Year!
heleenscorpion chapter 1 . 12/30/2018
This was such a sweet story. I just love the ending. Loved it very much. Thank you so much for writing.
This is what we need. Happy New year and please keep those Waige story's coming
Northangerescapee chapter 1 . 12/30/2018
Oh my… That's so nice. Funny and tender and so very like them...Thank you so much!
Milly chapter 1 . 12/30/2018
Oh my heart. That was perfect. And “stupid universe” and “the goddess of wisdom could suck it.” Lol! Thank you for writing this perfect story.
Bicii chapter 1 . 12/30/2018
I looooove it! And the end what a new year resolution ;)

Thank you ST for this gift!
Happy New Year to you too.
Marie chapter 1 . 12/30/2018
This story had everything angest happiness cute sweet and they see really happy together good job
Thank you and happy new year to you too
Guest chapter 1 . 12/30/2018
A heartwarming and enjoyable read !
lookingforthestars chapter 1 . 12/29/2018
Loooove this. The part where Walter says he thought she didn’t love him anymore just breaks my shipper heart. It’s very much canon in my head that Paige wanted him to go after her and prove that she was worth fighting for, so I love the way she explained it here. Awesome story, I needed this.
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