Roasted Rowel chapter 45 . 14h
Oh, okay it made sense Bouro want Tyuule to be dead. She's his only plan of conquering the Empire and with her absence, I don't think he would appreciate that much.

Aaaand Delilah is going to receive some severe consequences for her action, not like the anime at all. I mean, breaching through military base in an attempt of assassination isn't something to be taken lightly, especially a multinational coalition with many countries involved.

Oh and I would also like to add that since the coalition had studied (presumably) most of the demi-humans from the corpses from Ginza or live specimens from Alnus, they surely must've come prepared to fight off inhuman foe.

Now that I've spent fifteen seconds writing this, I will end it with a show of appreciation for the writer.

Thanks for the amazing story, mate!
Just a Crazy-Man chapter 45 . 7/25
Oh no here it comes

Gyre chapter 45 . 7/25
Things are getting interesting. Let us see how the coalition deals with an attack of a more subtle sort.
Sauwk chapter 45 . 7/25
A people that be broken, can be the more dangerous when the time come.

Another great chapter and good luck with that tropical storm
Korbussite chapter 45 . 7/25
Well, looks like Delilah's gonna have to face a twist later on
Major Simi chapter 45 . 7/25
ih oh looks like trouble is on the rise. anyway great chapter
Dragon Man 180 chapter 45 . 7/24
Oh great, the Warrior Bunny Drama. At least Yao got the news her people will get help. Her jumping on and hugging Hazama was heartwarming and hilarious!
Cooldude101011 chapter 45 . 7/24
I want to see that international outrage.
Shadow Walker of Fire chapter 45 . 7/24
Nice chapter. After TS Gonzalo passes, you need to post a "I'm okay" message as soon as possible so all of your readers know you are alive.
bayleej1819 chapter 45 . 7/24
After what happened with those civvies I hope that fucker Zorzal dies screaming. And Molt better end up rotting away in a cell.
Maroon567 chapter 45 . 7/24
Next chapter

Tyuule Vs Delilah...Duel!...

Even If she can't become a queen anymore, Will Tyuule reclaim her honor as warrior again, or her past mistake will forever haunt her!
And will delilah ever forgive tyuule and Herself!

Find out on the next Chapter...

P.S seriously i want chapter where Tyuule and Delilah Duke it out. Dishonored Warrior vs Vengeful Warrior, instead tyuule just acept her death.

just like how samurai, knight, and many warrior in the past do it.
Ghost iv chapter 45 . 7/24
idont token that you are of south america, do you speak spanish?
Tomrichman chapter 45 . 7/24
Looked like Tyuule will have a chance of being proved innocent! Norra appears sooner than i expected but let hope Deliah decapitates Batholomew in the end!
MagicalGeek chapter 45 . 7/24
Well... Unleash the Gurkhas on Bartholemew?
MagicalCatgirl68 chapter 44 . 7/22
Loved it his education on how not to tread on foreign people's is almost complete . I'd love to see an ironic way for him to go . Tyuuule she should get a reward of visiting the other side hiding the bunny ears easy nice hat and some awesome dresses .go for nice walk around say Japan maybe southern Cali.
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