Reviews for My Girl
Guest chapter 1 . 4/22/2019
Finally a KenxChun-Li!
El Grinder chapter 1 . 2/20/2019
Yay! Thanks so much for your story! This made my day/week/year!

You have done by Chun-Li in a way that the SFIIV series and its creators decided to ignore. Even as a 15-year old she would've tapped into her training and kicked Shadaloo mooks' asses as she made it to the exitforget about some middle-aged restraining her while they injected Ken with drugs. I dug plenty the nods here and there to how these events transpired in the animeBison holding her damaged slipper; Chunners'... wardrobe malfunction; how you leave the story open to Shadaloo catching up with them and "correcting" the timeline as it were. I come and return to fanfiction for this: authors getting ahold of what made them fans of these characters and stories and spinning them so even the series' canon pales to what creativity can achieve.

You hit so many nails in the head, and then... Chun-Li and Ken let their feelings take over, and you bring it to another level. Anyone could nitpick whether your prose went into enough detail, whether it detains the flow of the story; but you got it right when you associated their inner lives with their situation. They know that at this moment of peril, their first tryst could end in tragedy but they still want to give their all to the other. By focusing on details such as what Ken thought of Chun-Li's hair and what the stars looked like through the car roof, their intimacy resonates with us readers and places us there, ready to accompany them as they escape the horror that we know Bison can dole.

I have to keep praising your masterstroke of leaving them at risk of Shadaloo catching up with them and having them suffer the same ordeal as in canon. After what you put them through here, and understanding what Chun-Li and Ken now mean to each other, I want to see how your version of the spoiled millionaire kid reacts to the possibility of Bison having murdered the woman he wants to loveand also her side of the story. I have now one author I trust to depict the terror of a young, intelligent woman (the series has her in college by age 15) with an affinity for justice falling prey to a terrorist organization that uses her body as a weapon and therefore ends her life prospects just as she had opened her heart to someone who swore in the worst night of her life to stand by her. As long as writers like you give these characters the due that their actual series denied them, I will champion fanfiction until I run out of any to read.

Thank you, again, for making the SFIIV fandom better. Keep creating!