Reviews for Eternity in an Instant
ChaoticInscriber chapter 1 . 7/31
While I'm not sure if there's ever an example of Marco being able to use his regen on anyone else, if there was anyone in the series it would be possible for him to force the issue with, it's probably Ace. Logia of Fire, and all. Ace is literally an embodiment of flames, now, so if Marco's regen-flames could affect anyone but himself, yet normally no one but himself... Yeah, fire-boy would be it.

And we can't say he wouldn't have tried, if there was the slightest chance it might work. They went to war for him, after all.
MUCC 55-69 chapter 1 . 4/10
Did I cry? Yes. Did I read this at least 3 times? Yes.

Love it, I'm so soft for everyone.
ChiakiAngel chapter 1 . 4/5/2019
I like that this can be read either way. If you're a fan of Marco/Ace, you can see it as such. If you're not and just prefer them as really good friends, it can be seen like that.

I love both perspectives because each scene can be given different depth.

Very well written. Thank you for this! :)
Tobalerone chapter 1 . 2/23/2019
Always done for Ace-lives fics
Amazing writing, as always!
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 1 . 1/17/2019
Interesting bit about using Marine bodies for spare parts. That *would* help explain how Jinbe survived. Good insight as usual
3D.2why chapter 2 . 1/2/2019
i sobbed so hard reading this honestly, thank you for writing it.
GreenDrkness chapter 1 . 1/1/2019
Huh you know what that would have been a really great idea to use to heal Ace I never thought about it like that
Oooooo Marco is gonna help Luffy take the New World by storm
WhiteyWolf26 chapter 1 . 1/1/2019
Wow; that was intense! Liked it. :)
Sesshomarusama3 chapter 1 . 1/1/2019
Yes, i love this so much. I mean, I'm dead, this is so well written and so sad DX brilliant story
6Lisa9 chapter 1 . 12/31/2018
Beautiful! Marco leaving Ace's side to get Lu food was really meaningfull!
Happy new year!