Reviews for Lucifer Reacts to Supernatural
Rin Sakami chapter 21 . 6/29
I actually really loved the explanation about the layers. It made sense to me.
I have to ask: What is the difference between headcanon and canon? Or is it the same thing and just cut short?
mathieu chapter 34 . 6/24
you say poor dean but thats not reflected in your writing at all. lucifer is always shitting on dean and instead of defending dean, or listing his good qualities, or mention his incredibly traumatic past all she does is tell him to shut up. them comes more shitting on dean.
mathieu chapter 22 . 6/24
this is starting to piss me off. almost every other line from lucifer is how shitty of a person dean is. WE GET IT. LU DOESNT LIKE HIM.
mathieu chapter 21 . 6/24
JESUS CHRIST. we get it. lucifer doesnt like dean. is that what this whole story is going to be? lucifer shitting on dean? you said that this was lucifers opinion but since he doesnt know a god damn thing about psychology its a wonder he keeps pulling it out of his ass to vehemently hate dean every other line. im just not going to believe you in saying it isnt your opinion.
mathieu chapter 14 . 6/24
yes. the siren song means dean wants to fuck dudes. it has nothing to do with longing for family or the bonds of brotherhood, gay sex is the answer.
mattywilkss chapter 12 . 6/24
dean is not bi.i dont mind bi or gay characters, what i mind is people changing the characters personality or orientation to fit their own narrative. admit it. you know dean isnt gay or bi, you just like to think about jensen ackles having sex with dudes.
Fangtasia21 chapter 41 . 6/20
If Luci reacts to this so far, then what will happen later - e.g. when Sam is in psychiatry for insomnia, or when Sam and Lucifer are talking in the cage in Season 11, Part 10, and what Sam answers, or when Cassifer is at the end of the part, and at that time, Lucifer's son isn't even in the picture. And some last season is still a long way off.
Revol Repaid chapter 6 . 5/30
I wonder how luci will react when he finds out that sam is to be supernatural luci skin suit.
Patougv chapter 41 . 3/11
Interesting. I like the interactions between Lucifer and Ella. I would like to have more of Lucifer at mass.
TheWitch243 chapter 41 . 2/23
*thumbs up*
Guest chapter 41 . 2/20
In the "Nothing ever really ends... Does it?" scene when Chuck smiles & shimmers away... Will Lucifer figure out who he is?
doubledamn chapter 41 . 2/19
I liked Gabriel. I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. I also didn't want him to die, but once he was dead and after that much time had passed, I wasn't expecting, nor wanting him to come back, especially not like that, it slaps too much of how Korra treated the Avatar canon.
VegasGranny chapter 41 . 2/18
Gabriel is also my favorite character, but I loved Lucifer/Nick's character, with his sarcasm and never gave two beans for anything. That dry humor was perfect for him and he did know how to squish "lesser" beings. Just "snap" and he dusts the lesser angels and demons just like that. I don't think I ever saw any other archangel use their power like that.
I like the way Lucifer gets involved in the episodes with his fake-siblings. :)
RHatch89 chapter 41 . 2/18
Awesome update :)
VegasGranny chapter 40 . 2/15
This was one of my favorite episodes because of Zacharia finally getting stabbed in the throat like Dean threatened to do before. The guy's a fantastic actor but the character was a total douche that, I think, we all wanted to die.
And yeah, Cas was awesome beating up Dean and showing why he was considered a badass fighter in heaven too.
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