Reviews for Maybe
Guest chapter 1 . 2/10/2019
wow, this is good. like really, really good. I love this fan fiction one shot. I wish there was more work from you though. you did an awesome job on this, you really did. :)
Lady Selan chapter 1 . 1/30/2019

Although I haven't played BOTW yet, I felt like reading one of your shorter fics to see what else you wrote since I enjoyed Crimson Hope so much. I thought this one was pretty good. I think you did well showing the contrast between Link (whose amnesia prevented him from remembering catastrophic events) to Zelda (who recalled it all and bore the weight of that as well as her lost camaraderie with Link due to his memory loss). I like the flow, just as I did in Crimson Hope, and the details you provided.

As for improving the fic, I did spot a few typos/grammar errors but nothing major. As for the premise, I find it doubtful that Link would be content to resume life without the memories, or at least doing everything possible to learn all that had occurred, despite the pain it would bring. Have you ever played Dragon Quest 6? I don't want to spoil it for you if you haven't and would like to, but they deal with regaining lost memories in the game and there is one line in there that I think is profound, the concept of which might work well with this fic. Again, having not played BOTW, that would be to your discretion whether or not it works or even if you would like the fic to proceed that way, but if you're interested, I'm happy to chat with you over PM about it.
bladeofthebookworms chapter 1 . 1/1/2019
Aww, this was so sweet! I really like how this Link is able to see his memory loss as a good thing and isn't as troubled by it - that takes quite some strength! Great job!
I hope you find your dog; that's so sad! I lost my lizard once; I know how it feels.
Queenofbeingcringey chapter 1 . 1/1/2019
Really good! And I can't wait for the rewrite of your other story :)