Reviews for A Study in Green Vol 1: The Fate of Particular Adventurers
Makokam chapter 16 . 10/22/2019
Hmm... so Volume 2 will be an entirely new story? Interesting. And sneaky.

I liked the ending, though it seemed odd for Truth to be so...deceptive. And deliberately so. But the setting up of the dungeon was nice. I enjoyed that quite a bit.

I kind of like the idea that the gods power crosses space and time, so even if they create the dungeon "now" it still seems, and to the populace really IS, ancient.

Well, guess I'll be looking forward to Volume 2 then.

Good lucky and happy writing!
Makokam chapter 15 . 10/22/2019
Hmm...has she scene Goblin Slayer's face? I think she has... yes, he has hasn't she. At the farm? Yes, definitely. I'm almost positive now.
So this was a nice bonus then. lol
Not sure if it's implying they "slept" together or not, since I know High-Elf sleeps nude regardless, but it was funny anyway.

A bunch of typos, "the giggle giggled" for example, but nothing horrible.

Long for what it was, but never felt like it was dragging on.
Oh no. I hope she didn't bang High-Elf. Then they wont have a pure maiden for Water Town!
Eh. I'm sure you'll change the events enough that either it wont matter or it won't be needed at all.
Anyway, more story to read...
Engineer1869 chapter 16 . 10/20/2019
I just found this, I must say its really good and I look forward to Volume 2.

I loved how you fleshed out Wizard and accounted for the skilled and personality between her and Priestess. Especially how she chewed all the other adventures in chapter 13 for ignoring / dismissing a serious threat barreling down on them. I interesting in seeing Wizards' comeuppance, as it's a chance to explore the darker side of the guild's ranking system, where it's implied that members have to "toe the party line" in order to get promoted. I think there could be a great scene where Wizard gets Guild girl to admit, maybe involving the truth spell, that Wizard is being told to chose between her integrity or her career.

Keep up the good work.
carl9390 chapter 16 . 10/18/2019
With you since you first posted this till now can't wait for the next volume
Mo Eazy chapter 16 . 10/17/2019
I’m really happy to hear you’re going to continue the adventures of Wizard-chan. Although if you’re going to try and include the fourth wall God scenes, maybe try and make them a bit different from canon? This felt too similar to a scene in the LN.
freddy.lane.1 chapter 16 . 10/17/2019
oh, this will be interesting.
77coke chapter 15 . 10/13/2019
so what I'm seeing is they bet on GS look remain a mystery
C0rrupt3dSpy chapter 15 . 10/13/2019
Glad to see an update, I was mildly worried. Also elf and wizard huh, didn’t expect that
Guest chapter 15 . 10/13/2019
Can’t wait for chosen hero to make her way to see her mentor.
That will set the cat among the pigeons I suspect.
PG233456 chapter 15 . 10/13/2019
And that's volume one huh? Man, I wonder how you will cover the rest of the volumes. Exciting!
freddy.lane.1 chapter 15 . 10/13/2019
aww, no face reveal?
Evowizard25 chapter 15 . 10/13/2019
Glad to see this back. It seems that Wizard is basically going to be sleeping with all of the girls at this point. XD Can't wait for her to sleep with GS and Sword Maiden.

A good bit of character interaction between Wizard and Cow Girl. Their friendship is honestly heart warming. Can't wait for more.
TMI Fairy chapter 15 . 10/13/2019
ahsoei chapter 15 . 10/13/2019
Did the wizard see Goblin Slayer's face? Or has she already seen it previously? It's been so long since the last update that I forgot some details.
Merlocko chapter 14 . 10/11/2019
Best goblin Slayer fanfic in this site.
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