Reviews for A Second Chance in Love
viviscarlet chapter 40 . 6/3
Oh goosh i so loved this story! Thank you so much for this artwork~. The ending was really great and i'm so happy for everyone! One of the best Phantom Stories i red (and with irish kulture too ~!). Erik finally got his happy ending! Please keep going with your writing. I like your writing style really and i'll now look which fanfictions you wrote also :)
viviscarlet chapter 11 . 5/29
Hello there! I just have to write a review~. Thank you for this fantastic fanfiction so far! I never thought that the irish style would match that well in Eriks story! And he really deserves so much more! As you deserve more acknowledgement
I love Morgana and her Brothers too so i'm excited to read more how she tries to help Erik
akriaraveheart chapter 39 . 3/24
Perfect ending... love it.
obsessedwithall06 chapter 15 . 3/4
I love your structure of showing the same event/interaction from different characters POV, I loving seeing their different thoughts
obsessedwithall06 chapter 4 . 3/4
I also want to say I like that you have Morgena and her family from Ireland, you don't see a lot of stories that mention that country
obsessedwithall06 chapter 2 . 3/4
Just started the story but I like it so far. I just wanted to say thank you for putting the song name in, I hate when there are songs in a fic and I want to find them and listen to them but I can't, it's really nice to be able to find ot so easily
Emma chapter 40 . 10/29/2019
I absolutely loved the story! So amazing! I hope to find more of your work
kirarain09 chapter 40 . 3/7/2019
Just binged the whole story and it was amazing!
thesituation016 chapter 40 . 3/2/2019
This was such a good story. You did an outstanding job! I loved how you integrated the Irish culture into it.
Guest chapter 36 . 1/25/2019
Oh gosh I’ve binged this whole story. Love it! Please update!
Child of Dreams chapter 10 . 1/8/2019
I adore this.
Please continue?
Child of Dreams chapter 2 . 1/8/2019
(sighs happily)
Oh, I adore that song...