Reviews for Fairy Tail's Phoenix of Darkness
Bungster chapter 16 . 6/7
ayyeeee thx for the shout out you did a good job in this chapter hopefully there will be more. take care
Bungster chapter 15 . 5/10
man your story is getting good. hopefully you'll update soon. take care
Dragon storm chapter 15 . 5/3
great to have you back this chapter was safe and good luck with college
Dragon storm chapter 15 . 4/19
Dear BIG BadJ sorry to hear your feeling down. As for ideas why ad have seen it in many stories and its a good way for the reader to feel apart of story. good luck man and stay safe
carsonforgeel chapter 15 . 4/19
I actually find this to be very fun and refreshing as a story. Could use some work on spelling and grammar but that’s an easy fix. Also I’m curious if you’ll do 7 year time skip or have them stay back and grow up so you can make a proper couple out of them.
Dragon storm chapter 14 . 3/1
this a great and was worth the wait I sorry for not leaves a review for chapter 13 I forgot to and I am sorry
Guest chapter 13 . 1/30
great amazing cant wait to see more
Hip Hip Hooray chapter 13 . 1/28
Nice very nice you have a great pace to your story Cant wait for more
Dragon storm chapter 12 . 11/19/2019
Good to see those two kids are getting along and becoming great friends. Next time it's time for Carla to make her appear or rather her hatching or whatever.
Dragon storm chapter 11 . 11/3/2019
Dear BIG BADJ I don't think you got my exact message with my last review. What I was trying to get at was the back the review the story haven't gotten much progress in terms of the plot it's still roughly in a introductory Arc not saying that's bad after all seeing them trying to raise Carla is going to be hilarious. But not a lot of stuff can happen right now because they're roughly what six they can't go on any really big missions or progress as a couple
Dragon storm chapter 10 . 10/31/2019
Dear BIG BADJ first off my name dragon storm not dragostorm. Second you don't really update that often and your stories is not too far along what's hard invested in it. Not saying it's bad or anything it's just you only got done was main characters backstory and that's it he hasn't really gone on any worth Wild Adventures
toucansoup chapter 1 . 9/17/2019
I was never really into Fairy Tail, but I will say that I like how you write and story tell. You have a great imagination, and I hope you keep writing.
BIG BadJ chapter 7 . 7/31/2019
Hey guys I know your enjoying my story but i feel that some of them need to be rewritten a bit don't worry i'm still continuing
Dragon storm chapter 5 . 6/23/2019
Hey Big BadJ I think your story is coming along nicely but it still in developmental stage so it's hard to give an accurate decision
BIG BadJ chapter 5 . 5/31/2019
attention my fellow readers chapter 5 is up.
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