Reviews for Dark and Deep
DeanCasLover22 chapter 2 . 4/28/2019
You are a master of Hurt/Comfort fics. This was a good read.
29Pieces chapter 2 . 2/4/2019
Hooray for the rescue! I absolutely adore seeing them all tending to Jack. They're such good dads! :') I can't decide if I'm happier about Sam's relationship with him or Cas's (and obviously Dean's as well, but in picking a VERY favorite). I love that Sam was able to take him under his wing (no pun intended) until Cas was brought back and so has that bond from the beginning, and is able to identify with him for being *different*. But dad!Cas makes me melt!
Basically I just love this whole thing! I'm so happy you wrote it, and any time you want to write more whump and H/C with these guys is okay in my book! Thanks for sharing :D
29Pieces chapter 1 . 2/4/2019
Oh my sweet boy, my precious nougat, my little cinnamon roll, what are they doing to you? :( This is awful (in a really great way, obviously! XD) He's just a kid, for crying out loud! Gah, I can't wait until these yahoos meet the sticky demise they're doomed for, for messing with TFW. And them taking his blood, feathers, and grace... shudders. How awful! It's so violating, and Jack being so young only makes it worse! Racing on to read the rescue!
Snovolovac chapter 2 . 1/16/2019
Yaaaaaaaaas queen
Aini NuFire chapter 2 . 1/15/2019
Castiel in all his storm of protective fury is awesome. And him taking off his coat to give Jack will always be too sweet. *_* Poor Jack, he went through so much. But he's in good hands.
VegasGranny chapter 2 . 1/14/2019
Nice, they ganked the bad guys (I was worried they'd be all noble and decide not to kill them) and rescued Jack. Poor baby is needing lots of TLC and time. So good that he finally understands home and family without doubts. Aaand, now they owe Ketch one more favor. That can't be good.
VegasGranny chapter 1 . 1/14/2019
Oh our poor baby! When this happened to Gabriel, at least he was eons old and had considerable life experience, Jack has nothing really. Hope this doesn't break him. And how sad is it that I'm rooting for Ketch?
Aini NuFire chapter 1 . 1/11/2019
Wow, that's all really horrible and cruel to poor Jack. You're starting to hurt him like Cas. And I can feel how worried and frustrated the guys are at knowing Jack's been kidnapped but not knowing how to find him. Looking forward to the three avenging dads kicking ass and taking names, and then all the comfort.