Reviews for Deal
myimagination2012 chapter 1 . 9/28/2019
It's a sweet story.
andjelija.nenic chapter 1 . 5/12/2019
Update more chapters about this story,because it's the best,extra and the great story that I was reading about it,and I am also starting to love and to like reading to this story. So can you please write more chapters,because I want to know what happens in the next chapters about it. THANKS SO MUCH FOR WRITTEN TO THIS STORY,thanks so much about it.&&&£££%%%$$$
LadyKirsten chapter 1 . 4/4/2019
I am seriously loving this crossover. However, it's difficult to find which story follows which. Could you add something to identify which chapter is #1,2,3,etc.
Suzululu4moe chapter 1 . 2/6/2019
Lol linda so chill . No not an angel the Antichrist part was hilarious .

Good thing for Alec all those runescand swords didn’t go berserk on him when he channels his powers . Given his Angel blood is waaaay more potent than clary and jaces I think. The devil is stronger than Ithuriel right?
Autobot girl 2234 chapter 1 . 1/19/2019