Reviews for The Adventures of Baby Peter
G-Sky chapter 8 . 8/13
This whole thing was so cute! : )
GhostlyCaryler123 chapter 1 . 6/2
Your stories are giving me more ideas for my fanfic. It’s about a adoptive child of the Stark family who name is Blaze, real parents are Aphrodite and Hermes (they had a affair while Aphrodite is still pregnant with his half brother Max. That answer will be in the story) and Peter, Harley and Morgan are biologically children to Pepper and Tony along older adoptive siblings to Blaze. His full name is Blaze Howard Stark.
CaitiAthena chapter 4 . 1/21
I was supposed to be born the 29th of October but I was born on the 22, I was in the NICU for a completely different reason
CaitiAthena chapter 3 . 1/21
I hope that I never have a nightmare like that
Uia chapter 8 . 6/24/2019
excellent...loved it
xSapphirexRosesxFanx chapter 8 . 6/9/2019
Spideyfangirl123 chapter 8 . 6/9/2019
do one about how mj 'killed' tony stark! :)
Aquabubbles936 chapter 8 . 6/8/2019
I really wish it was only his arm...
Roland's Blade chapter 8 . 6/8/2019
Peter deals with Tony's death?
G.L.Williams.97 chapter 6 . 6/5/2019
I love baby Peter trying to latch on to Tony, it’s so cute.
Galandria the Vampire Queen chapter 7 . 5/26/2019
Wow...2 beautiful chapters

loved them...God write emotions in the characters so well
xSapphirexRosesxFanx chapter 7 . 5/22/2019
AuthorandArtist13 chapter 6 . 4/27/2019
Hi again! This was a cute lil fic. Also, I was wondering if you’re going to incorporate plot lines from Endgame in your future fics? (The things abt Tony and his life after the snap—idk if you’ve seen it yet so I won’t put any spoilers here, but just wondering.) Overall great job!
xSapphirexRosesxFanx chapter 6 . 3/24/2019
Poor Tony and Peter.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/16/2019
I have no idea if it's intentional but I thought Peter's middle name was Benjamin not James. And yes, men can actually lactate but their hormone for making milk is almost always turned off. But it is possible.
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