Reviews for Wei WuXian's Jailbreak from Hell
EllaWaterfall2 chapter 1 . 5/12
I absolutely LOVE the idea! I wouldn't mind it if you don't update this (I mean, it's been a while) but I'm just wondering, how did Lan WangJi get into hell? Especially if he's NOT DEAD. In the meantime, I'll let my imagination run wild.
Lots of love from little me!
Krysania chapter 1 . 1/27
Becky Lima chapter 1 . 12/31/2019
I really loved it! Please gimme more! The ending was soooo cute and so alike them, good job!
MarianaOOC chapter 1 . 11/12/2019
That was great!
I really would like to see more of it :)
I want to know why Lan Zhan is there, how did he just arrive to take Wei Ying out of there...
Actually at first i thought his punishment was going to be kind of 'serve' Lan Zhan XD ~or to be torn apart in a more... papapa sense~

Thanks for sharing your work with us!
It was fun
Hpfan1 chapter 1 . 3/6/2019
Will you ever be updating or finishing your The Root of all Evil fanifc?
Pasta and Sin chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
This is actually the first MDZS fanfic I've read, and I absolutely love it!

Your story perfectly portrays the adorable relationship of WW and LW. He-ck, the ridiculousness of this story had me cracking up and the warmth and fluff that followed after made the butterflies in my stomach go wild. Now I wonder how LW managed to keep a straight face all the time.

Like the other reviewer, the part that caught my attention is the porn (haha, you don't say). It was what made everything hilarious because out of all the sins he's committed; the murder of thousands, the immorality of disgracing corpses... (the list goes on. He isn't the YiLing Patriarch for nothing lmao) the one thing weighed most above the other sins is the porn book.

I would also like to applaud you because they are so in character that it hurts. Thank you for this! Keep writing!
naruita14 chapter 1 . 1/20/2019
J'ai bien aimé le premier chapitre.
mapplepie chapter 1 . 1/19/2019
So cute~ LW's red ears awww.

While I was reading this, I thought how this could make a good prequel to the novel. I thought that was what you were going for, when I read "You’re so relentless I can’t run away from you even when I die! In my next life, I will make sure to find you.. for you, I will refuse the tea of forgetfulness that the Lady Meng Po serves me!" I was like, Oh, that's why WW remembers when he's MX...
and then I remembered that he didn't reincarnate, but rather summoned into MX. Sigh, I have such bad memory. but hey, maybe it still works! Like, MX was just summoning WW's spirit, but maybe if he DID drink the tea, it would've been a blank WW's spirit or something. haha, I'm trying so desperately to make it fit.

My favourite part was WW trying to get LW out of getting punished from porn because he forced it on him. It shows how much WW cherish LW that he would argue with the King of the court for LW's sake. He was just going to submit to his own fate, but for LW, he'd argue regardless of consequence! Love their relationship so much~ their relationship's the best thing about mo dao zushi.

Ok, fine, you're right. it's a bit of a open ended ending, but it works. I would believe it's a oneshot. It works fine as a oneshot tbh. I'm satisfied with that ending. THe only reason I would nag you to continue would only be because I want you to update/upload more :DD