Reviews for Me and You
maria190 chapter 20 . 4/24
Kelly Carberry chapter 20 . 2/22
Aww lovely story sad it's the end.
BookwormKW chapter 20 . 12/12/2019
I just discovered the movie "Me Before You" last night; and I cried like a baby at the ending! So, you can imagine my happiness and excitement when I realized that there were some fanfics about Will and Lou. I LOVE your writing! I think that you did an absolutely FABULOUS job! :)
bloomnskyrules chapter 20 . 9/19/2019
I am in love with this fic! I love this couple and they broke my heart so I am all for any thing that gives them a happy ending. I am also reading your other fic and love that as well. Hope you write many more Will/Clark fics cuz there are so few of them! Anyway, kudos!
chemisgirl chapter 20 . 6/27/2019
La amé 3
Guest chapter 20 . 4/2/2019
I was so sad to see the story come to an end. I loved the journey of Lou and Will finding each other and beginning their lives as husband and ceremony was beautiful and befitting of the couple, family and friends. The drama at the wedding with Alicia was fantastic. One again, goodness overcomes evil.

I agree with you, as much as I wanted the story to go on, it was a wonderful ending.

Thank you for sharing your talent and gifts with us. I look forward to the next Me Before You entry.

Best wishes!
metorregano chapter 19 . 3/18/2019
I like you how set the stage for the hedge maze. It was very authentic. As for Patrick, I never believed he was the person for you. You teach a good lesson here. Don't settle.

I'm sad to see the story coming to an end, but looking forward to new works from you.

KatyKat chapter 19 . 3/16/2019
Another great chapter! Even from watching the movie I never got the feeling that Patrick was the love of Louisa’s life. You wrote her feelings perfectly. I’m sad that there will only be one more chapter. Know the story has to end at some point, but it’s been so good. Hope that maybe you will write more Will/Louisa stories!
metorregano chapter 18 . 3/11/2019
You don't disappoint the reader. I remain captivated by the story and your writing.
KatyKat chapter 18 . 3/11/2019
Another great chapter! Finally, they found their way to each other. Can’t wait for more!
metorregano chapter 17 . 3/9/2019
This chapter is awesome. I'm enjoying the story so much. The storyline is interesting and makes the reader clamor for more. I can't wait to read the next chapter. KUDOS to you!
KatyKat chapter 17 . 3/7/2019
Enjoying this story so much! Look forward to each new chapter.
KatyKat chapter 14 . 2/25/2019
Another great chapter! I anxiously wait every couple of days for a new chapter. I like how they are being pulled to each other. Hope one day soon they declare their love for one another. Great job!
metorregano chapter 14 . 2/24/2019
This was so fun! I check every two or three days to see if you've posted a new chapter. I'm so excited when I see there's a new one. I love how you are crafting the storyline. Kudos to you!
metorregano chapter 13 . 2/24/2019
Love, Love, LOVE IT!
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