Reviews for Pining Drunks
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9
Are you going to continue this story because so far I really like it!
DodleSaur chapter 1 . 10/2/2019
Ooh I just reread this again and it’s still just as good as the first time! I really liked Sonic and Shadows conversation you really captured them! Deep cute stuff and very well written, the character analysis is on point and it really conveys how you wish to portray them if that makes sense? All of their personalities are really well explored in an in depth way and it suits the way you write!

I really hope you choose to continue this story I’d like to see everyone happy and everything resolved! Thanks for the read!
Guest chapter 2 . 6/3/2019
;7; when’s the next chapter coming? You’re stories are so good and they’re aren’t many Knuxadow stories out there
Just Me chapter 2 . 5/23/2019
I check back every day to see if this story has been updated... I absolutely love it! I guess Rouge has a crush on Knuckles, but who doesn’t lol? Hope you update soon!
Anonymous chapter 2 . 5/22/2019
This story is sooo good! Please please have it end with the love traingle 3 3 KnucklesxShadowxRouge is such a cute ship and doesn’t get enough love... please update soon!
Fire-For-Battle chapter 1 . 1/23/2019
Well... since Rouge wanted Knuckles to throw up into Shadow's lap, I'm just gonna assume that she likes Knuckles XD
This is so well written! Just please! Gimme your skillz please! QAQ
Also, your drunk Knuckles is beyond adorable! And he is so different from what I would make him XDc
Cant wait for the next part!
la23trenzas chapter 1 . 1/22/2019
I think Rouge loves both of them.