Reviews for Just a Dream
Guest chapter 9 . 7/21/2019
Is the stone Labradorite? (No Idea if I spelled that correctly)
Jazzy chapter 30 . 6/10/2019
This was awesome! Please update soon.
beetree3076 chapter 30 . 5/29/2019
... Seriously... Do you not sleep? Go to bed- I can see the dark circles under your eyes from here! Ha. Thanks for this fanfic- really takes my mind of pressures...
Maddy chapter 30 . 5/26/2019
omg cliffhanger much! Please please please post more of this! Can’t do w/o it. Ur writing is incredible
ZoeyOlivia chapter 30 . 3/26/2019
Good though. They’ll get some action soon
ZoeyOlivia chapter 29 . 3/26/2019
It was great! And since we already know what basically went down at the ministry it’s perfect to not have to write it out or read it! Well done
Animelover1396 chapter 30 . 3/26/2019
I knew Ron was gonna go. But I love the update and the dramione moment
apls79 chapter 30 . 3/26/2019
I noticed Harry says “I think we should get back out into the wild and figure out what we know about Voldemort.”

Shouldn’t this have set off the taboo?
pinkduck2587 chapter 30 . 3/25/2019
Yay another update! You just go at your own pace and it'll all come together. I knew Ron's hissy fit was on its way., but he'll be back.
Lovesagoodstry19 chapter 30 . 3/25/2019
Yeah, you made me hate Ron again. Thank you so much. The wee whiny wanker can pop home to Mummy and stay there for the remainder of your story if you'd like.
Your only hungry because you just wrote a chapter about the four of them being hungry. Remember the standard writer's rule; One cookie for the writer each paragraph. Or that might just be my rule and the reason had to give up writing for Weight Watchers.
emjrabbitwolf chapter 29 . 3/18/2019
Heh, I wonder how many more prophetic dreams the pair will have and experience in reality... or how many can be changed... I doubt Harry can keep from saying Voldemort at some point...
Hmmm I wonder if the pair can use Fiendfyre safely?
chapou69 chapter 29 . 3/16/2019
I'm so happy to read from you again ! Welcome back. And with a very good chapter !
ASJS chapter 29 . 3/15/2019
Hey I'm back
I've caught up on your chapters, love the George and Draco joking
I'm happy Draco finally forgave Harry, that needed to happen for them to move on and start planning.

I was out for a bit again this time, but it was because I was in the hospital having a miscarriage, my daughter stopped growing. But I'm back and your story makes me smile, so thank you for writing an awesome story
Juliemaggie chapter 29 . 3/15/2019
Was starting to think you were gone for good ;-; So yay! Prodigal child has returned! XD

Can I place a bet on Harry not remembering the taboo? That boy an I. D. I. O. T. XD

Did not spot any mistakes *applause*
Animelover1396 chapter 29 . 3/14/2019
This was so good. I love their conversation. It is so funny.
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