Reviews for Rock Star
Guest chapter 66 . 1/28
yeahhhhhhhh i hope in the sequel that jonathon and his family can see their errors and clary can forgive themm
OliviaWhite55 chapter 66 . 1/26
I luv it so much
Guest chapter 63 . 1/22
oh opps hehh heh
Guest chapter 62 . 1/22
Guest chapter 66 . 1/21
i love this book and am so sad it’s over:( i really hope the sequel has some more juicy drama to keep me on my toes bahahahah
tmitrashtbh chapter 66 . 1/21
aw i actually can’t believe it’s over ! this was such an amazing story and i’m so happy i was able to come along for the journey and you are such an amazing writer ! and just like amazing job !
SkyBell1272 chapter 66 . 1/21
Such a great ending to this fabulous story! Looking forward to the sequel.
Guest chapter 66 . 1/21
This made me cry. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this amazing story x
Guest chapter 65 . 1/20
I have read your entire story in legit 3 days and it is great.
I like the plot and character development, my only critique is the occasional spelling/grammar mistake.
Incredible story.
Yes I need a sequel.
Sam chapter 65 . 1/18
I love this fanfic! I wish this wouldn't end
ShadoworldGOB chapter 65 . 1/18
A sequel would be amazing this is the story i always read as soon as i can after a chapter comes out!
G.Elise1498 chapter 65 . 1/17
I definitely will read a sequel! (and I did like your idea of possibly having Jace and Clary do another movie together) :)
SkyBell1272 chapter 65 . 1/17
I actually teared up reading this! So well done! Thank you!

I would love to read a sequel to this story.
Guest chapter 65 . 1/17
pleaseee do a sequel:(
SkyBell1272 chapter 64 . 1/15
Was beyond thrilled that Clary didn’t just let Jace walk away. They need to be strong for each other whenever one of them has doubts.
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