Reviews for Daughter of Fire
your miss cadaverous chapter 23 . 8/8
I’m in love with this story! Amazing writing! I’m looking forward to the next chapter and more KakaSaku moments! I hope you update soon!
smar0403 chapter 23 . 8/6
great chapter hope you feel better. I want to see kakashi and sakura on a mission together
Guest chapter 23 . 8/5
Tarani Bosatsu chapter 23 . 7/25
I've just found this fic and finished all the 23 chapters in one go -without getting tired, completely forgotten that I was actually 'reading', and now I don't know what to do with my life, seriously... 'til the next chapter comes. You're an impressive writer, a kick ass writer, actually. I like how maturely you approach the shinobi life, it says a lot about your wisdom, about life in general and that reflects in your writing... it's easy to read, fun, deep, smart, inspiring. And the fighting scenes are just WOW, the best. I love how you portrait Genma, not everyone can do it like that.

Can't help but feel like I'm growing (again) along with Sakura. It's inspiring really, and I am old already.

Thank you. And please, please never stop updating.
Guest chapter 23 . 7/18
valspe9462 chapter 23 . 7/17
This is ome of my fav stories right now. Has been since the beginning! Im so anxious to know what happens!
Naasica chapter 20 . 6/27
Oh God, I hate you so much right now. I don't want a KakaSaku anymore (Lie, actually I do) I want this to be all about GenSaku, that's a pairing that I don't read very often since not everyone knows how to do it well but you write their interactions in such a beautiful and perfect way that I makes you want to see more. Genma saying "I'm Loyal to you, Sakura" made my whole being make Doki-Doki hahahaha I just love him. I can appreciate that they are just friends and that loyalty and devotion is only somewhat platonic but I can see the potential in both of them and my head is only caught in the possibilities. Anyway, I love where all this is going and the plot and it seems so noble that despite the profession of ANBU, you relate them as a family where everyone protects each other. ANBU can be a dark and dangerous group but they are still people with things to protect and even dreams, their line of work has screwed them up and broken them but they are still human and it just seems right that everyone tries to keep the pieces together, everyone protect each other even though they're screwed. I love this.
Katy 2610 chapter 23 . 6/26
I love this fic... at first i didn't read it because i though that it was to slow but, honey you don't disappoint, this is wonderfully written, I am hooked, can't wait for the next update
Naasica chapter 10 . 6/26
Hey ! At last I started reading this, I had been putting it off because I had an endless list of unread fanfics. I have loved this story so far and this particular chapter filled me with tenderness and warmth. As a side note, I love the friendship between Sakura and Kotetsu in this fic even though not much has been seen of these two together. If I didn't love KakaSaku so much I would ask for a pairing of Kotetsu and Sakura. Whatever. I will keep reading this beauty.
KindredSouI chapter 23 . 6/26
Ooo! Is Kakashi going to give Sakura the sabre?! I hope to read more soon! Glad you’re starting to feel better!
Runashi chapter 23 . 6/26
I know it! There's discrepancy between what Sakura think of how Kakashi sees her with how Kakashi actually sees her Girl, he's just a socially awkward guy. I like how you put Kakashi' perspective in this chapter.
Thanks for the update.
MegTheProcrasinator01 chapter 23 . 6/24
I’ve read 23 chapters in one setting. This might be my favorite Sakura story I’ve read...ever! I’m so glad you are writing this and please continue to do so! Each chapter, I always get surprised on how detailed you go into characters backgrounds. I love it!
potstickers4lyfe chapter 23 . 6/22
XDD it’s great to see a chapter with someone else’s perspective. Sometimes it’s great to sit back and just look at how much impact Sakura had on Konoha as a whole and it’s just amazing to see how far she’s come. I really like the way you depicted Kakashi’s personality, not too angsty and just the right amount of bitterness. Your ideas to fill in the blanks of what we know of him from canon (such as his relationship with the Anbu Captain, how Rin sneaked in a kiss, Minato’s support) is just amazing.
Agentcaroline chapter 23 . 6/20
I absolutely loved this chapter! I love how much thought you put into Kakashi’s family history and everything. LOL at your spell checker.

P.S. I hope you get well soon!
Guest chapter 23 . 6/20
Amaaaaaaazing! I'm really glad those two finally talked again! And I liked Kakashis pov. I' m excited to see how they'll interact when they're both sober :)
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